Dua Request

Brother Shahajan Ali's 22 month old son, Saifullah, passed away on Muharram 7 1433 / December 2, 2011. May Allah have mercy on the baby boy, and grant his parents strength to overcome their grief and reunite them with their son in Jannah. Ameen.

It has been narrated that Allah's Messenger (Salalallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, 'If any member of my people has two children who die before him, Allah will cause him to enter Paradise on their account.' 
'Aisha (Radiallahu Anha) asked, 'Does it apply to a member of your people who has one child who dies before him?' 
He replied, 'It does, you who have been helped by Allah to ask this.' 
She then asked, 'What about a member of your people who has no children who die before him?' 
He replied, 'I am the one who dies before my people, and they will never suffer any loss to compare with the loss of me.'" [Tirmidhi, 1735]


اخت مسلمة said...

رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول : ما من مسلم تصيبه مصيبة فيقول ما أمره الله (إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون) اللهم أجرني في مصيبتي وأخلف لي خيراً منها إلا أخلف الله له خيراً منها...

Anonymous said...

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon