23rd Shabaan 1433 ~ 12th July 2012

Makkah Maghrib
(Surah Dhariyat: Ayaah 47-60) Sheikh Ghamdi

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Japan_1 said...

Masha Allah Surah Adh-Dhariyaat being recited at Masjid Al Haram after a very long time!


ahliya amjad said...

Count down started for ramadhan!!!!People there for umrah having iftaar ,What a great time for them ,what a great video to see all!!!Blessed hujjaj!!!HR you have posted very very nice adhan and salaat and the best is to see the people having iftaar. May ALLAH reward your team for the great effort and May ALLAH bless all the imams of the haramain shareef as they are the inspiration to all of us..ameen.Pray for me and my family to be there in haram praying salaats behind the great imams!!!ameen.