Madeenah Khusoof
Sheikh 'Abdul Muhsin ibn Muhammad al Qaasim
Salaah: Surahs Fatir and Yaseen
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Amazing Salah and khutbah by Skh Abdul Muhsin
Isn't it Sheikh Hudaify who usually makes the announcement
It was a talk after the khusuf. The imam that leads the salaah, does the khutbah as well.
I don't know What is the Hikmah behind this but the Muadhin Shaykh Abdur-Rahman Khashiqjifee said "Assaltu Jamiah" 33 times in 4 minutes and 30 seconds, and then he said "As-Salah" once. Where as in Makkkah the Muadhin Shaykh Toufeek Khoj said "Assaltu Jamiah" once and then said "Salatul- khusoof yarhamukumullah.
Perhaps the muadhin wanted to gather people more. wallahualam
Hehe i counted 30 As-Salatu Jamiah than gave up...and I was wondering, why did the Muazain say it that many times?
It was most probably intended so that more people would come to the masjid, since they left after Maghrib.
"It was reported that the Prophet (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam) gave orders that the call to the eclipse prayer should be made by saying “Al-Salaatu jaami’ah”. This was narrated by al-Bukhaari and Muslim. The Sunnah is for the caller to repeat that until he thinks that the people have heard; there is no set limit for that as far as we know. And Allaah is the Source of strength. "
OH Thank You soo much Anon and Hr Staff on that, especially the Hadith
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