Night 18 Ramadhan 1432 - Makkah Taraweeh

Makkah Taraweeh - صلاة التراويح من مكة
1st 10 Rakaats led by Saud Ash-Shuraim - 
العشر ركعات الاولى للشيح سعود الشريم

Last 10 Rakaats led by Mahir Al-Muaiqily - العشر ركعات الاخرى للشيخ الماهر المعيقلي

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Witr and Dua Al Qunoot by Sheikh Mahir Al-Muaiqily
الصلاة الوتر ودعاء القنوت للشيخ الماهر المعيلقلي

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MYK said...

Sheikh Maher was just beyond exceptional today!

Sheikh Shuraim: Surah Furqan 21- 77 (End) & Surah Shu'ara 1-104

Sheikh Maher: Sheikh Shu'ara 105-227(End) & Surah Naml 1-53

Mohammed Usman Asim said...

There is an error in the name of the file of 2nd 10 rakats and witr. It should have been 18th but it is named as 17thnight

Hope you rectify the error as soon as possible


zeynah said...

MarshaAllah!!.. Once again the taraweeh was Outstandingly Beautiful!!! by both Shiekhs (Shiekh Shuraim & Mahir),
I totally agree with MYK
May Allah Bless and increase there Jannah also All the imams of Makkah And Madinah Ameen