1st Ten Rakah led by Sheikh Saud ash Shuraim
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2nd Ten Rakah led by Sheikh Yaser Dosary
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Witr led by Sheikh Yaser Dosary
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2nd Ten Rakah led by Sheikh Yaser Dosary
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Witr led by Sheikh Yaser Dosary
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Dear Brothers/Sisters,
Any chance we will also get the Taraweeh Prayers with Translations? Thanks For all that you do.
Masha Allah Tabarak Allah... Both sheikhs were awesome...
Subhanallah really beautiful recitation by both sheikhs, may Allah bless them
MashaAllah Sheikh Shuraim & Sheikh Dossary.. sweet and beautiful.
InshaAllah Sheikh Yasir Dossary will be permanent Imam InshaAllah
Surah Al Baqarah [228-271] by Sheikh Yaser Dosary: First half was quiet, as well I became unhappy; but the second half is moving, melody changed and my sadness removed. Rare jingles therein, ma sha Allah. The elevating voice in the verses “249-end to 252” is glorious; we reached at the war field. Significant repetitions in the whole Qir’ah, congratulation.
Surat Al Baqarah [204-206] & some precious recitation source
Allah The Merciful warned us about liar and lawless leaders and rulers in the verses. They try to prove about good manifestation of them. But their functions are too terrible for human civilization and lineage/family tree [Nasl]. In this best period of a year, our appeal to The Almighty Allah for heavenly life under virtuous leaders and rulers, ameen.
Some Qira’at sources at below
http://www.haramain.info/2013/05/5th-rajjab-1434-14th-may-2013_8885.html [Sheikh Juhany]
http://www.haramain.info/2013/12/17th-safar-1435-19th-december-2013_6381.html [Sheikh Khalid al Ghamdi]
http://www.haramain.info/2012/02/11th-rabee-al-awwal-1433-2nd-february_466.html [Sheikh Ghamdi]
Makkah Taraweeh: 1429 by Sheikh Juhany
Thanks to MYK, we was waiting for him and he joined yesterday. In each Ramadan he write the verses number finished at each night's Taraweeh (most times).
Mashallah. Tonight was stunninng, beautifully presented by both sheikhs alhumdulillah. Sheikh shuraim started to reming of his old self before
MashaAllah both shiekhs did their best shiekh yaseer have such a amazing tune and voice.
masha'Allah,,,,,,, its always pleasure hearing sheikh shuraim,,the new sheikh has also started well,,,,,nice beautiful combination,,,,,,,,,,, eagerly waiting for sheikh budair tonight
MashaAllah! Always a treat to hear Sheikh Shuraim. Excellent recitation in his classic taraweeh tone. He was slightly emotional too. A bit sad that he and other senior imaams will get to recite less this ramadan.
I was anxious to hear Sheikh Yaser Dosary who will be doing the bulk of the recitations this year. I must say he did a fine job. The second half of his recitation was amazing, MashaAllah! I think he will only get better each day. He took his time, maybe the pace of his recitation was touch slower than other imams but he had some memorable, glorious moments in his recitation. Also, he often recites in a style which is similar to Sheikh Baleela.
Another unique feature this Ramadan is that the imams are recting not from the ground floor but the floor above it (often called the first floor in some countries while its termed as the second floor in other countries) That is a rare occasion, possibly even the first time.
Exceptional recitation by Sheikh Shuraim masha Allah! Nice to hear Sheikh Dossary leading the same night. Insha Allah waiting for Sheikh Budair, Sheikh Janany's dua especially, will be the first time to hear his dua, Sheikh Bu'ayjaan insha Allah...InshaAllah,I will try to listen all the haramain imams live at least once
I loved sheikh's dua... heart touching, and emotional... He belongs here in Masjid al-Haram
Our muslims brother were very conscious about new IMAM Sheikh Yasir. I felt it was also very nice tone. Some different style. Hope all Muslims are happy, enjoying . as ALLAH has given them this responsibility.
LIGHT UPON LIGHT. plz Pray for all muslims UMMAH.
Muhammad Yasir
MashALLAH! An excellent debut for Sheikh Dosary.
@Anon 4, I am glad the verses are of some help!
Sheikh Shuraim: Baqarah 158-227
Sheikh Dosary: Baqarah 228-271
Like others mentioned, the start of the 3rd Juz was very well recited by Shiekh Dosary.
Beautiful and heart touching recitation as always by Sheikh Shuraim
and emotional Dua was done by Sheikh Yaser...
He is also one of my favourite reciters.
Masha Allah.. May Allah protect ulamas of this Ummah Ameen.
May Allah Make All Ur Dreams
Wishes Come True
Hajj Mubarak”
Hafiz Ahmed Raza Qadri Naats
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