24th Jumada ath Thani 1436 ~ 12th April 2015

Makkah Fajr
(Surah ) Sheikh Baleela

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mmkh said...

What an awesome, what an awesome..... its like sitting alone in fear and black big hills or mountains in MAKKAH and an voice from paradise coming from minarahs of MAKKAH...MAY ALLAH REWARD ME TO MEET SHEIKH BALEELA, AND TO LEAD PRAYER WITH HIM...MAY ALLAH GIVE HIM JOYFUL LIFE AND GOOD HEALTH TO LEAD IN MASJID UL HARAM...HEART TOUCHING RECITATION..
Please HR Staff guide me about from where he did Hafiz ul Qura'an as i know and i will recite in every tone of Masjid Ul Haram Khateebs and Masjid UL Nabawi Khateebs but sheikh Baleela its amazing defficult tone...MASHALLAH

Anonymous said...

Surah Ra'd (1-17)