Surah Ghafir (40) Ayahs 56-65
Surat ghafir:56-65. MashaAllah ALLAHU AKBAR absolutly BRILLIANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!shk Mahir u r extreeemly wonderful love u bless u ameen.
Alhamdu lillah mashaAllah shk Mahir jazakallahu khair u make me realy happy every day. may AllAH subhanahu wa ta3ala give u all the happiness u like my lovely imam!! thank u HR for the priceless work.
60+ days remain for ramadhanThe rota for imams for taraweeh gets published in shabaan on the website of the saudi government On the website the rota for jummah and eid also gets announced
MashaALLAH....Amazing mind blowing nd vry heart touching recitation by my favourite and bestest sheikh maahir.Sheikh Maahir no1 fan
MashaAllah!! realy Awesome May Allah grand him jannatul firdous Aameen!! jazak Allahu kairen HR team for tis Amazing wrk
InshaAllah if annonced can you post it here? Jazakallahu khair
SubhanAllahExtreamly beautiful and emotional as well, May Allah bless Shaykh Mahir, I truly love his recitation
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Surah Ghafir (40) Ayahs 56-65
Surat ghafir:56-65. MashaAllah ALLAHU AKBAR absolutly BRILLIANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!shk Mahir u r extreeemly wonderful love u bless u ameen.
Alhamdu lillah mashaAllah shk Mahir jazakallahu khair u make me realy happy every day. may AllAH subhanahu wa ta3ala give u all the happiness u like my lovely imam!! thank u HR for the priceless work.
60+ days remain for ramadhan
The rota for imams for taraweeh gets published in shabaan on the website of the saudi government
On the website the rota for jummah and eid also gets announced
MashaALLAH....Amazing mind blowing nd vry heart touching recitation by my favourite and bestest sheikh maahir.
Sheikh Maahir no1 fan
MashaAllah!! realy Awesome May Allah grand him jannatul firdous Aameen!! jazak Allahu kairen HR team for tis Amazing wrk
InshaAllah if annonced can you post it here? Jazakallahu khair
Extreamly beautiful and emotional as well,
May Allah bless Shaykh Mahir, I truly love his recitation
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