13th February 2010 - 28th Safar 1431

Makkah Fajr
(Surat Ale-Imran 18-32 Sheikh Juhany

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umayr said...

my friend sheikh juhany is back! ive mist you soo much!!

Tahir said...

mashallah very beautiful recitation. He had the most beautiful voice i ever heard.

Ahson said...

Awesome! Very happy to see sheikh junahy back for prayer:) He has a splendid voice!
Also, I hope sheikh shuraim comes back very very soon. Can't believe he returned for 3 days only:(

Anonymous said...

every body become crazy when sheikh juhany come back

Anonymous said...

that no true

MOHD said...

it is very true every body become crazy bcoz of his heart taking recitations MASHA ALLAH TABARAK ALLAH

mona said...

سعداء بعودة شيخنا الفاضل في صلاة الفجر كم إشتقنا لصوته الملائكي وللحنجرة الذهبية - الله يحفظك يا شيخنا حيثما كنت