Jumua Khutbah & Salah
Adhan Al-Awwal by Sheikh Ali Mullah
Isha Adhan by Sheikh Ali Ahmed Mullah
Adhan Al-Awwal by Sheikh Ali Mullah
Isha Adhan by Sheikh Ali Ahmed Mullah
Isha Salah led by Sheikh Sudais (Surah Furqan: Ayah - )
Taraweeh (Surah Qa'af)
Surah Dhariyat
Lecture -
How come shiekh sudias in dubia but at the same time he was standing behind the imams last night?
I am watching makkah taraweeh live right now,,,,,,, I miss sheikh sudais :( :(,,,,,,,,
when will sheikh sudais return back????? its just not same without him,,,, he lights up makkah with his recitation
Maa sha ALLAH so nice Dua.
Must be his twin.
@HR staff
How many rakahs were prayed?
Unbelievable !!!!! After how many years in makkah.
MashaAllah MashaAllah.... Very soothing awesome beautiful everything is.... He recited calmly peacefully and it come out to be amazing... May Allah always bless him and protect him..
Sheikh sudais recitations are always beautiful MashaAllah.. Now come back to Makkah
Masha Allah
Masha Allah
As salam `alaykoum wa rahmatullah.
Someone can tell me the name of the mosque ?
Baraka'Allahu fikoum!
MashaAllah La Quwwata illa billah............اللهم احفظ الشيخ يارب و يسر له جميع الصالحات و تقبل منه جميع الطاعات
يا اهل حرمين!ارسلكم منذثلاثة ايام ايميل ولا اجد ولو جوابا........ا تجدون ام لا؟؟؟؟؟
..................من فضلكم الله يفتح عليكم اجيبوني
Sister in Islam
Miss you sheikh Sudais in Haram.....
HR Staff no audio, so extremely sorry.
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