Breaking News: Appointment of 3 new imams in Masjid Al Haram & Masjid Al Nabawi for Salaat Taraweeh & Tahajjud Ramadan 1436.
1) Sheikh Yasir Dosary (Masjid Al Haram)
2) Sheikh Mohammed Ayub ( Masjid Al Nabawi)
3) Sheikh Khalid Al Muhanna (Masjid Al Nabawi)
Schedule for Taraweeh will be published soon, insha'Allah
Taraweeh & Tahajjud Schedule 1436-2015 (Official)
1) Sheikh Yasir Dosary (Masjid Al Haram)
2) Sheikh Mohammed Ayub ( Masjid Al Nabawi)
3) Sheikh Khalid Al Muhanna (Masjid Al Nabawi)
Schedule for Taraweeh will be published soon, insha'Allah
Taraweeh & Tahajjud Schedule 1436-2015 (Official)
Makkah Madinah
Why do they bring new Sheikhs when there are enough like Sh Ghazzawi and Sheikh Talib ?
It would be awesome if Abdul-Wadood Haneef returned too.
Very interesting, already HR official FB page have published Makkah Taraweeh schedule for two times; now it will be changed again.
On Haramain facebook page, we sometimes post unofficial material, but on website all official Alhamdulillah.
I want sheikh Mahir inshaAllah
When there are such good imaams, then why do they bring new imaams every year during ramdhaan andmake them permanent imaams afterwards ??
MashaAllAh Please publish ramadan prayer schedule for makkah and madina
schedule have been changed then whats new one?????
Jazakallah HR Team. Hope all the imams from last year will continue to lead taraweeh and tahajjud inshaAllah. Anonymous1 is right.
The General Presidency for the Haramain have their reasons to appoint new imams at anytime. Also Sheikh Sudais is bringing in more outstanding sheikhs to give them opportunities to lead Salaah in Haramain.
Sheikh Sudais has his reasons to appoint new imams and its nice to hear different voices from time to time
SubhanAllah. Shaykh Ayub is back!
Jazakallah Khair. It's very awesome to see Sheikh Muhammad Ayub in Masjid Nabawi again and see him permanently afterwards. Shukram.!!
welcome New Imams...what an awesome voice Sheikh Dosri and Sheikh Ayyub have!
mashaallah... especially i am so happy for imam yasir will be at masjid al haram in ramadan... jazakallahu khayran kesira!
My dream, in future famous reciters from different countries will lead Taraweeh; such as Sh. Omar al Kazabri [another Sh. Juhany of Morocco], Sh. Mishari al ‘Afasy of Kuwait and the like; as well we believe Haramain is the center of all Muslims.
I think sheikh Yaser is the replacement of sheikh sudais or sheikh shuraim!
what about Shaikh Abdul Wali Al Arkani
i am completely agree with comment 1. why do they keep changing it. it is soo frustrating....
From what i had heard before, they bring in Imams from the various tribes. I'm not sure how far this is true.
Slm pls can you identify, in English, which imam is reading first 10, second 10 & which nights? Jokes
اللهم أجعل الأستاد الدكتور الشيخ الشر يم من الدائمين في الحرم يا سميع الدعاء
Lets welcome the new imaams. Insha'Allah experience with the new will be pleasant.
Sheikh Ghazzawi and Talib should also have chance to be part of Haram's taraweeh.
Thank Allah swt that the last 10 days in Makkah is changed. Sh Dosari recites the most.
HR Staff English update of the rota please.
Share to Sheikh Dr. ‘Abdullah al Juhany
As far as I remember [from the last four years Taraweeh, 1432-35], Sheikh Juhany’s first night was comparatively mute always. We desire his electrifying start this year likewise his ability.
Some days ago, I observed Sheikh’s last night [29] again [the 30th juz of the Qur’an] from the years 1433, 1434 and 1435. The night of 1433/2012 is spectacular, drizzle drop lighting, no word. The 29th night of the last year, 1435/2014 is very nice, water flow; but the Qira’ah is not highly signifying word to word always like 2012 and somewhat emotionless. Perhaps some plus time was required. Our appeal he will consider the above matters for this year.
And we pray for radiant Ramadan for all the Qur’an presenters and all of our brothers and sisters, amen.
welcome to all the new imams.
alhamdullillah, different styles, voices for the same Qur'an masha Allah.
For English schedule,update
Mashallah, is this just for taraweeh and tahajjud salaah this year, or is it regular salaah? Also, will this rota include the same new imams next year? Jazakallah
Things have happened so suddenly havemt they over the past few days in terms of many new imams and the rota being changed so quickly after a new ome was just published abput a week ago alhumdulillah
Finally Sheikh Juhany will get to do du'aa after very long time. His last du'aa was in first few days of 1429 Ramadan. I pray Sheikh Shuraim will do it as well one of these days.
1 to 30 ramadans isha salah saleh al taleb inshaAllah
New imams and muadhins! Its so exciting! :D I also want to hear Sheikh Talib and Sheikh Ghazzawi in Taraweeh, maybe they choose not too :) Cant wait, so exciting watching live Taraweeh, for UK people, watch it at 806 Islam Channel on Sky. Ramadan Mubarak!!!!!!!!!
You're certainly not a bigger fan of Sheikh Salih Aal Talib than me. Sorry.
Masha Allah... New voices from Haramain.. Alhamdhu lillah.
(B.A. - INDIA)
I think Shaikh Humaid will lead Salaathul Fajr of full ramalan in Makkah, as usual..
(B.A. - INDIA)
Dear HR!
What is this?
I am very Sad,about this schedule.
sheikh Baleela not for Tahajjud And Not for Witr(I really love his Emotional DUA style)why they appoint new Imam Sheikh Yaser.
lets ok they appointed but look the number of nights sheikh yaser will lead.
this is not fair!
Assalamu Alaikum. Ramadan Kareem.
My son and his wife is already in Madina.
My parents on plane to jeddah InshaAllah they will reach Makkah around magrib.
My self and my wife will be joining for last 10 days InshaAllah.
Almighty ALLAH gave us golden opportunity to be in haram for all new imams first prayers.
1. Shaik Al Talib
2. Shaik Kalbani
3. Shaik Juhani
4. Shaik Budair
5. Shaik Maher
6. Shaik Gamdhi
7. Shaik Gazzawi and InshaAllah now Shaik Dosari.
Alhamdullilah Alhamdullilah Alhamdulliah.
We dont know how to thank Our Almighty Allah.
Masha Allah. Alhamdulillah A'laa kulli Haal.
Muhammad Yasir
Sheikh Yasir will be leading with Sheikh Sudais on Khatm night.
@Anon#38, HR authority fixed this rota and they showed honor to Sh. Yasir. We hope the decision is correct. We also congratulate him in the Ka'bah.
@Anon#43, from where you knew that, Sh. Yasir will lead at the Khatm night?
MashaAllah sheikh Sudais has brought all old Imams to regular prayers... Sheikh Shuraim, Sheikh Hudaify and now Sheikh Ayoub.... Mashallah May Allah reward Sheikh Sudais
Mashallah Sheikh Mohammad Ayoub is back in Maddinah.
May Allah give a chance for more Imams.
My wishes:
The officials always change rotation system from time to time, it isn' new.
I really miss Sheikh THUBAITY who leads SALATE TARAWEEH in Makkah more than 15 years ago.
He is once again the only Sheikh in Madinah, who is not in any rotation list, after bis comeback.
Maybe he could part(each 4 rakats) with great Sheikh Ayoub.
Both of them have A great voice in reciting Quran al Karim!
May Allah support all Imans and ihrer Muslims in the Holy Month of Ramadan, inshallah.
Salaam Aleikum from Germania in Europe.
Ahmad Mostafa
Waiting for shaikh juhany
Asalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wa baraktuh, my question is does each imam who leads 10 rakats leave after they lead their 10 and next imam does the next ten or does all the imams pray 20 rakats of Taraweeh?
I wish they would bring in sheikh Muhammad Al Haidan
Assalamu Alaykum, Adil Al-Kalbani still my favourite.
Who will be leading the khatm e quran in madinah?
Shiekh mahir should lead prayer on EVERY night!
what Sheikh Muhammad ayub become permanent imam for prayers at the nabawi?
Assalamualaikum any body know when will be the schedule come for haramain taraweeh
Plz share Tirawee schedule for 1437.
its on the facebook page
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Imagine what it would mean to an international Imaam on Haj OR Umrah that was given the opportunity to lead salaah. Maybe have a competition in each country for this purpose?
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