1st Ten Rakah led by Sheikh Bandar Baleela
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2nd Ten Rakah led by Sheikh 'Abdullah al Juhany
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Witr led by Sheikh 'Abdullah al Juhany
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2nd Ten Rakah led by Sheikh 'Abdullah al Juhany
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Witr led by Sheikh 'Abdullah al Juhany
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Memory musing: Recitation of the Surah An’am
Once before one or two months I was watching Al Quran TV broadcast. I trembled by the voice of Sheikh Abdullah Basfar in Surat Al An’am. Possibly that’s my first experience about Sheikh Basfar. How can I express!!! A sweet holy child shouting!!! Or a bird chirping!!! Is it desert nightingale? At times Juhany touch!!! And sensational quake at the 31th verse.......... OWH!!! Aimed to blue fly!!! Afterward I collected that from below.
A heart trembling rhythm of Dr. Mu’ayqali; Al-An’am [1-73], Makkah Taraweeh, 1432.
..........INNALLAHA faliqul habbi wannawa!!!..........FALIQUL ISBAAH!!!.......... Can anybody forget the night? Al-An’am [74-147], Makkah Taraweeh, 1432, Sheikh Juhany. Stream sparkling in smelling light!!!..........
And in the last year’s Ramadan Sheikh Juhany contributed several examples from his magical voice diversity, Al An’am [112-165/end], ma sha Allah.
The Dua recited by Sheikh Juhani is written 3rd Ramadan instead of 7th Ramadan. Can Haramain please post a Dua made by Sheikh Juhani last night?
Dear HR Staff,
I have always appreciated your efforts for your tireless effort in bringing the salaah from the Haramain. Words cant do justice to it. May Allah reward you abundantly for your efforts.
This year,I have noticed that you have decided you give preference to HD videos. The translation videos are no longer there since the 3rd night.It is good to have the HD vidoes however it has a major drawback that there are no subtitles in it. As a non arabic viewer, watching the taraweeh with the translation subtitles is a truly different, more enriching experience than not understanding what the imaams are saying. I would always prefer the english translation video rather than the HD video. I always follow the subtitles in the videos. However, now if I miss the live broadcast, it means I won't be able to access the translation video. The recitations without subtitles is also available in good audio formats too. Even the SD video with translation if viewed at 480p or higher is of very good quality, quite satisfactory to watch.
I implore you to give preference to the translation videos or post both HD and translation together. I think you guys did that last year (atleast do this for Makkah as the translation is in English). I will be highly grateful and have peace of mind knowing that if I cant watch the taraweeh live, I can always watch the translation videos on this wonderful site at my own convenience like in the past years. JazakAllah khair. I hope you don't mind the request. May Allah reward you guys for all that you do for us.
Masha Allah, amazing recitation and dua by Sheikh Juhany. May ALLAH (Subhanahu Wa ta'ala) bless him.
Sheikh Bandar: Surah An'aam: ayah 74 - 150
Sheikh Juhany: Surah an'aam ayah 151 - end; Surah A'raaf ayah 1 - 64
Sheijh Baleela: An'am 74-150
Sheikh Juhany: Anam 151-end & Ar'af 1-64
MashAllah, beautifull recitation by both. Surah Araf especially well recited by Sheikh Juhany.
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