1st Ten Rakah led by Sheikh Yaser Dosary
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2nd Ten Rakah led by Sheikh Khaalid al Ghamdi
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Witr led by Sheikh Khaalid al Ghamdi
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2nd Ten Rakah led by Sheikh Khaalid al Ghamdi
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Witr led by Sheikh Khaalid al Ghamdi
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Sincere verbalization by both Imams. Momentous praying in the Surah Ale Imran-end phase by Sheikh Yaser Dusary.
Dr. Khalid Ghamdi at best, tune changes frequently throughout, amazing Surat Al Fatiha in 9th and 10th rak’ahs and a heart trembling pray in Witr, AMEEN.
Additional about Al Fatiha: When the Imams present the verses of Sura Fatiha separately, then it is most wonderful, so we wish most magnificent air of the starting chapter of the Qur’an.
HR Staff please Sh. Yasir's profile.
where are the imams praying taraweeh, its not the usual taraweeh spot...
both sheikhs are awesome masha allah tabarak allah... May Allah protect them. I hope sheikh Yasir will stay with us even after Ramadhan... Sheikh Khalid's dua, emotional, heart-touching... very beautiful...
Yes HR video takers don't show the Imam's taraweeh spot clearly like past years.
Masha Allah, nice recitation by both Sheikhs and emotional dua Sheikh Ghamdi. beautiful night
In shaykh yasirs taraweeh at 22:43 when he makes a mistake, immediately after, while in salah he says "na'am, na'am"...doesn't this break salah??
Last year’s 5th night is a marvelous Makkah night, Sheikh Juhany recited Surah Nisa-25-87.
Jakwan Jiad, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.
I was in makkah earlier this year and they had knocked down the masjid from safa to Abdul Aziz gate including the entrance. have they rebuild it now it looks like the imams are standing where the balcony used to be?
To Anon #4,
Sheikh Yasir says na'm in a very low tone, as if to himself, but the speakers make it louder... I dont think he meant to say it out loud.
Sheikh Dosary: Imran148-End & Nisaa 1-18
Sheik Ghamdi: Nisa 19-87
Masha Allah, nice recitation by both Sheikhs and emotional dua Sheikh Ghamdi. beautiful night
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