1st Ten Rakah led by Sheikh Yaser Dosary
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2nd Ten Rakah led by Sheikh Khaalid al Ghamdi
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Witr led by Sheikh Khaalid al Ghamdi
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2nd Ten Rakah led by Sheikh Khaalid al Ghamdi
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Witr led by Sheikh Khaalid al Ghamdi
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Sheer splendor, sensation and shake in Surah Al Yusuf-second half
You may attend to again and again.
Dr. ‘Abdullah al Juhany: Makkah Taraweeh-1426, 1430, 1431
Judge Dr. Saud ash Shuraim: Makkah Taraweeh-1432, 1433, 1434, 1435
Sources: www.quranicaudio.com
One of the major views of the Surah Yusuf:
Allah’s Herald Yusuf [Asm.] dreamed the Great achievement at very young age, when he could not even look after himself. I think the age was not more than 5/6 or 9/10 years, according to the symbols 12, 13, 14, 17, 19 & 20. Then the Prophet did not depend on the Great dream. He proved his suitability by different functions in different situations. Meaning of the last ayah of the Surah,
“Indeed in their stories, there is lesson for men of understanding. It [the Qur'an] is not a forged statement but a confirmation of Allah's past Books [the Taurat/Torah, the Injeel/Gospel and other Scriptures of Allah] and a detailed explanation of everything and a guide and goodwill for the people who believe.”
Thanks Muzahid!!!!
Absolutely stunning recitation from Sheikh Ghamdi! Had been waiting for him to use this tune and finally he did! Sheer joy to listen! Emotional too!
And what an amazing dua.. the "RABBANA" duas reminded me of his dua on the 18th Night of Ramadan 1434 where he prayed so many duas from the Holy Quran starting with "Rabbana". The "ALLAHUMMAH" duas are great too.Extremely unique dua! MashaAllah!
Masha Allah... Emotional Dua by Shaikh Gamidhi. This dua reminds me 19th ramalan of 1434.. which flows with RABBANAAA of Quranic Duas... Same as that Dua, here also shaikh ends with last two surahs of quran(falaq and naas).. Masha Allah.. I am always waiting for his recitation and Dua...
Masha-Allah Sheikh Khaalid al Ghamdi Recited so nice very emotional also at the start
Beautiful Du'a by Sheikh Ghamdi, the rabbana du'a's as the end :'(.
MashaAllah!! Excellent Dua by Sh Ghamdi. Best Dua in Ramadhan compared to all other Sheikhs!! Especially how he made Surah Falaq and Nas in Dua style. He did almost all Quranic Duas. SubhanaAllah !!!
Sheikh Dosary: Surah Yusuf 58-End & Ra'ad 1-18
Sheikh Ghamdi: Surah Ra'ad 19-End & Ibrahim 1-End
MashAllah, amazing dua. May Allah Swt Accept it!
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