10th Rabi al Awwal 1436 ~ 1st January 2015

Makkah Fajr
(Surah Ibraheem: Ayaah 13-34) Sheikh Baleela

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Anonymous said...

Salam Alykm
Masha Allah! Why does he recite verses he has recited several times ? Some Surahs are in Makkah recited rarely like Surah Muttafifen or Inshiqaq. Alhamdulilah wa salam

Muzahid said...

I can't forget Sheikh Al Afasy's studio voice in Surat Al Ibraheem.

Anonymous said...

It is 1st January 2015.

Ahson said...

MashaAllah, beautiful recitation!!

Unknown said...

I just have a question of why it takes so long to upload the maghrib and isha prayers? And don't take it the wrong way ,I'm just wondering because the isha in Saudia was 4 and half hours ago now

Unknown said...

To the first question above. If you think about all the other imams, they don't read from different places a lot. Wallah I trust me. Just look at sheikh juhany. Go to his part of the page until he was first imam. You would see the same Sarah's recited a lot. Also same with sudais, ghamdi, and especially al ghazzawi. To me I think muaqiley, and saleh talib are the ones that read the most from different spots. How many times has juhany recited surah tahreem? How about khalid al ghamdi and surah nisa and ankabut. Also sheikh ghazzawi has read surah ibrahim several times.

Muzahid said...

To the first person, I agree with you about Sura Inshiqaq, but I saw Surah Mutaffifeen was presented in several times.