10th Dhul Qadah 1435 ~ 5th September 2014

Makkah Fajr
(Surah Sajdah & Insaan) Sheikh Juhany

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Anonymous said...

surah sajdah and insaan

Sister in islam said...

MashaAllah Sounds bit similar to Sh.Balila emotional voice ........really these are the people whom said Allah in His Holy book
انما يخشى الله من عباده العلماء
and Nabi Sallalla hu alaihi wasallam :that means
When One asked Muhammad Sallalla hu alaihi wasallam who Recites Quran in a good voice?narrated that means(WALLAH u Alam)when you see him reciting quran you feel him fill up with God's fear..........
May Allah bless all aima with Ikhlas and gracious bounties..................

Muzahid said...

Dear HR Staff, a request if possible and easy for you. I got a video from facebook, a wonderful Qira’ah of Haramain Salaat by Sheikh Juhany, Surah Nur [35-39]. Could you please confirm the date? Jazakumullah. The link of the Salah,


Muzahid said...

Alhamdulillah, both Surahs are impressive in normal tune, as well Surah Dahr is constantly special in various jingle from Sheikh. Possibly here is no imitation or similarity to Sheikh Bandar Baleela.