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2nd Ten Rakah led by Sheikh 'Abdullah Bu'ayjaanDownload Audio: 32kbps w/ Takbeer | 128kbps w/ Takbeer
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Witr led by Sheikh 'Abdullah Bu'ayjaan
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Sheikh budair recitation is super awesome MA
Amazing recitation, no dua by sheikh buayjan today
Masha Allah for both imams.
Hope to hear Sheikh Bu'ayjaan du'a next time and Sheikh Budayr's dua during this ramadan insha Allah.
Maa Sha'Allah
Both imams sound so similar in there recitation,
How comes there was no dua?
I really like Shk Bu'ayjaan's dua.
I really miss Sheikh Budair's duas. They are so amazing! He didnt do the dua last ramadan too.. Hear's hoping he might lead witr prayers in tahajjud this year
What's with the horrible quality for Bu'ayjan? HR is good for consistency, but extremely irregular for decent quality. Come on boys it's 2014, step up your game.
If there was a choice for better quality audio, we would have went with that. We have zero control over what the TV stream puts out. Check the No Takbeer files, those are live recordings and the best we can offer.
If you're able to offer any assistance though and have access to a better TV stream, please do drop us an e-mail.
Salat alaykum,
@Last Anonymous, I (nearly) watched Sheikh Bu'ayjaan's salaat live but the quality was the same.
Just to let you know that HR Staff has nothing to do with the quality. Hope that you understand what I mean anonymous.
Jazak Allahu Khayran HR Staff for your site and your Facebook page
yes me to was watchin shekih buadir and it was abd quality from the tv
@ HR Staff - I've dropped you many emails in the past offering much better quality recordings and I was totally ignored.
Masha Allah, both sheikhs read so beautiful. Sheikh budair read in a very special way; he doesnt read like that too often. I just loved it.
Masha Allah, both sheikhs read so beautiful. Sheikh budair read in a very special way; he doesnt read like that too often. I just loved it.
Every year in Ramadhan, one night they don't make dua, both in makkah and madinah. The imams just follow the Sunnah of the prophet Mohammad S.A.W.
HR has nothing to do with the TV transmission. I am in Saudi Arabia, and I watch live, and there are the same problems. Have patience and be thankful.
just remember that if this site didn't exist, we would not have this pleasure.
Thank you HR for everything you are doing. May Allah reward you tremendously.
Unfortunately others in Saudi Arabia have not been successful with a better audio quality.
So if you're able to record and send it in within 30 minutes of the salaah ending, drop us an e-mail. And leave a comment here with your name to insure that we don't miss it.
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