Sheikh Saud ash Shuraim

Presenting Doctoral Thesis
Muharram 23, 1423 AH.


Anonymous said...

i think this is debate for his thesys or disertation

talha said...

Can anybody help me with this:
HR staff or anyone ..


i will really appreciate it ..

Anonymous said...

Subhanallah hes so cool. Which university is this?

Anonymous said...

i would like to the translation to this.....


Anonymous said...

What is the title? From where we can collect the thesis? We know he studied on Judiciary system, but don't know designation of his Ph. D. topic.

Anonymous said...

From where we can get the paper of Ph. D. research by Sheikh Juhany? It is on Quranic word, that means common issue for every Muslim.

Anonymous said...

MashaAllah sheikh shuraim has got so much noor on his face beautiful smile Allah hukbar

Anonymous said...

MashaAllah what an humble sheikh shuraim

Anonymous said...

So nice to see famous Dr sheikh Ibrahim ash shuraim so happy mashaAllah

Anonymous said...

Subhanallah nice videos

Anonymous said...

Part 1:
Bano Bowayd (not sure of spelling) has ruled Iran, and Iraq and Alahwaz and Kurman FROM 474Hijri. The issue was that Sheikh Shureim wrote in his paper UNTIL 474, but the professor said in his copy it says FROM 474Hijri and Shureim was saying UNTIL.And they were just laughing about who has the right copy!

Part 2:

They were arguing about a hadeeth and the professor was asking where does al sheriem stand in a hadeeth that has been weakned by (alalbani) and sheikh alHakim approved the hadith
. So the professor addressing to the Sheikh Shureim if Al Albani is right or not for weakening the hadeeth?

So far that's my understanding of the two videos. Salamu alaykum.

Anonymous said...

Any translation for this. Thanks

Mariam said...

Well deserved Sheikh Shuraim.

Anonymous said...

hr..plz provide any other video 4 us...plzzzzzzzz..!!! hr u know we all love him so much..

Anonymous said...

The first time i ever saw him smiling. Mashallah. May Allah protect the sheikh

Anonymous said...

Haramain team, jazakumullah, thank you so much! One request; Please can you post the whole thesis, i would be very grateful.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who runs HR?
Blessed people who are making effort to da'waa about Islam.

Sheikh Shuraim 4 ever said...

Mashallah! Sheikh Shuraim is so knowledgable. He looks so happy, mashallah. May Allah make us all like him. Ameen.

IbrahimDIOP said...

Mashallah! Sheikh Shuraim zählt zu den größten Gelehrten der islamischen Welt.Was verwundert,ist dass er trotz seiner hohen Position (Professor,Richter,Imam...) so bescheiden bleibt.Möge Allah ihn schützen und ihm für seine großartigen Leistungen die allerhöchste Belohnung gewähren!Ameen