Surah Ma'idah 97-100
What does Sheikh Ghazzawi say before the prayer?
Surah Maeda Ayat 97-100
Sheikh Ghazzawi said something before the Isha Salah and Sheikh Juhanny today said something similar before the dhur prayer
Sheikh Ghazzawi sounds nervous and in a hurry to finish the salah. If i'm not mistaken he said something about pushing ???
The Sheikh called the muslims there to peace, kindness and mercy among them.
Why??? Is it because of the large crowds there?
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Surah Ma'idah 97-100
What does Sheikh Ghazzawi say before the prayer?
Surah Maeda Ayat 97-100
Sheikh Ghazzawi said something before the Isha Salah and Sheikh Juhanny today said something similar before the dhur prayer
Sheikh Ghazzawi sounds nervous and in a hurry to finish the salah. If i'm not mistaken he said something about pushing ???
The Sheikh called the muslims there to peace, kindness and mercy among them.
Why??? Is it because of the large crowds there?
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