We have received news that Sheikh Muhammad as Subayyal, imaam of Masjid al Haram for more than 40 years, is ill and currently in the Intensive Care at a hospital in Jeddah. He is 85 or 86 years old, and last lead 'Isha in Masjid al Haram in March 2007.
Update: The Sheikh is still in the ICU. There are rumors that he passed away, and it is not true.
May Allah have mercy on the Sheikh, reward him abundantly for his suffering, and grant him shiffaa. Ameen.
May allah send his shifaa and mercy on this beloved imam
نسأل الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم أن يشفي الشيخ شفاء عاجلا.
اللهم أعده علينا صحيحا وسالما وغانما، وارزقنا الصلوات خلفه في الحرم مرة أخرى يارب.
اللهم آمين
salam alaykoum, ameen to your dou'as. May Allah cure Sheikh as Subayyal, grant him patience and janat al Firdaws. Ameen
May Allah grant the Shaykh shifaa. he is respected not only for his recitation, but his knowledge and position. He was a member of The Council Of Senior scholars. shaykh Salih alfawzan studied under him. Also, he was president Of The Two Holy Mosque Affairs (the position Shaykh Sudais holds now) more than 20 years ago. Im grateful HR was available to record his final years of leading prayers in Makkah.
It is amazing to think that Shaykh Subayyil was still leading prayers in Makkah at the age of about 80. May Allah grant him shifaa and strength. Ameen
shafaahullah. I particularly liked the penultimate salah that he led, 29th march 2007, especially with Muadhin Ali Mullah doing the takbeers. There's something special about olden times recitations. As many say, 'Old is gold'.
His classic memorable recitations are of Surah Teen, He used to read that a lot in ishas. May Allah cure the shaykh
May Allah grant Shaykh Shifaa Ameen
There is a article relating to the death of Sheikh 'Umar as Subayyal on this blog, is this a different imam to the one being mention here?
Ya rabb.
May allah grant rahmah and shifa upon sheikh subbayal.
I have a question to haramain recordings staff,
It is said that Sheikh Ali Abdur-Rahman Al-Hudhaifi, the Imam of Masjid-e-Nabawi, at Madina Al Munawwarah, during the Jumah'ah prayers on the 15th Zul Qa'dah, 1418 (13th March, 1998) he gave a khutbah (known as the historic khutbah) against the christians, jews and shias. The sheikh was then arrested for giving a khutbah which upsetted the saudi government and officials. I was wondering if you have the actual recording of the khutbah, if you do please update it on your website.
may allah grant him shifaa and make his situation better amin
Sheikh Muhammad as Subayyal is the father of Sheikh 'Umar as Subayyal (Rahimahullah).
I don't think I have a recording of the khutbah of Sheikh Hudhaify's. I will check though.
Shifaa n rahma inshaAllah!! he is lucky mashaAllah to b imam alharam one day. we will all gather in firdous ala3la inshaAllah .
May Allah cure his illness
May Allah(swt) grant him shifaa and cure his ilness, Amien.
Allah (swt) is the most mercifull.
May Allah give him complete shifa'a Ameen.
may allah cure him. Ameen!!!
i remeber when i went to Makkah as a little kid and still remember his voice, he was the head of imams at one point too..may Allah cure him, a truely respectable sheikh
Awwwh! May Allah grant Sheikh Shifaa E Aajilah Kaamilaah Daa'imaah Mustamirraah... Aameen Thumma Aameen... :)
Allah swt is most merciful. May He grant Sheikh Muhammad As-Subayyal shifaa and cure his illness, Amien.
IS this the shaykh that prays taraweeh in a wheelchair?
^ No. I'm not sure what that Sheikh's name is.
The Sheikh whom we now see on wheelchair was seen standing behind in past
may الله بعالى have Mercy on sheikh and all of the True Muslims and make this a Trial to Purify him from his sins, wrong-doings, and shortcomings
آمينand آمين to the other Du'as
Salam may Allah bring him cure for all his suffering and bless him abundantly for his suffering ameen.
May Allah Almighty give him Shifa.
Sheikh Muhammad as Subayyal was Imam of the Haram when Some rebels self pro claim Imam Mehdi tried to occupy the Holy Haram about 1980. Sheikh Muhammad as Subayyal led fajar prayer. After Fajar Prayer those rebel tried to occupy the Haram. These rebels had pistols, rifles. They said to Sheikh Muhammad as Subayyal to offer Bat on hand of the leader of the rebels who claim to b Imam Mehdi. Sheikh Muhammad as Subayyal refused to offer Bat. May Allah Almighty reward him on his braveness.
May Allah give him complete shifa and forgive all his sins.His contribution for spreading Allah's message is highly appreciable.
My grand father(age 90) is also one of the fan of Sheikh Subayil went into the shocking condition after listening the news about Sheikh because my grand father was present at the time when Sheikh Subayal kept the foundation stone of one of the biggest madarsah of Karachi in 1973.
Wow. I had always wondered who the Imaam was who lead the salaah during the false Mahdi incident.
May Allah bless Sheikh with His Mercy and Blessing Ameen
Please note, Imaam al-Hudathayfee wasnt arrested and he is not arrested at the moment. He is taken down from his position for his own security, and this information is from a reliable source from someone who personally knows the shaykh and meets him on a daily basis
So please refrain from discrediting the Saudi government, remember they are Muslim brothers and have the same rights as others over you, i.e do not slander or backbite them
Allaahu A'lam
They're talking about the '97/'98 khutbah and the arrest then, not the recent one. Correct, he was not arrested after his last khutbah. Allah knows best and may Allah forgive me what is wrong.
Lol at 'discredit' the Saudi govt. Like it or not they imprison many Mashaikh, brothers and sisters. Stop the excuse that Sheikh Hudhaifi retired for his own security, and this is also from reliable sources, the Sheikh was suspended for 2 years in 1998, he was never under arrest. That doesn't change anything though, just shows how much respect the so-called Saudi govt, and the puppet of U.S. 'Khadim al-Haramain' has for his own scholars. And please HR, allow this comment, people need to know as many visit this website, instead of getting false information on what really goes on.
Jazakallah khair for the correction regarding the arrest part.
InshaAllah let's leave it at that note regarding Sheikh Hudhaify since this post is about Sheikh Subayyal. :) Shukran.
Wa iyyakum, sorry for the off topic comment but just wanted to correct the comments above.
May Allah heal our beloved Sheikh Al-Walid Abu 'Umar Muhammad Al-Subayyal sooner than later and preserve him. He is truly a gem as an Imam and a scholar. I believe the last time Sheikh al-Subayyal led taraweeh was in 1406 or 1405, I am sure it's one of those 2 years. May Allah raise his rank with the best of people, with the Prophets, the Shuhada`a and the Salihin.
May Allah cure our beloved Sheikh Subayyal and grant him a speedy recovery. Ameen. All imams of the haramain are truly a jem for the Muslim Ummah.
May Allah (SWT) send His shifaa and mercy on this beloved Imam-e-Haram, Ameen.
Munir Ahmad
Shifahallaaahhh !, May Allah Subhanawu wata'ala grant him the best and ease his task
May allah grant shifa to the beloved imam of haram ameen..
Any update on the Shaykh?
Any update on the Shaykh?
نسأل الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم أن يشفي الشيخ شفاء عاجلا.
اللهم أعده علينا صحيحا وسالما وغانما، وارزقنا الصلوات خلفه في الحرم مرة أخرى يارب.
اللهم آمين
May Allah grant him shifa and make it easy for him. Please forgive his sins, and reward him for his contribution to Islam. ameen.
Hr can you give us some detail of the current situation of Sheikh Subayyal.How is he now?
Assalaamu alaikum ahliya amjad,
Unfortunately I'm aware of Sheikh's current situation. May Allah give him complete shifaa. Ameen.
Wassalaamu alaikum warahmatullah
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