We have received a request for duas from brother Ibrahim Adam. His son Hamza is 11 days old, and is in the Intensive Care Unit. They do not know what is wrong with him, and have been told that his salt and potassium levels are not where they should be, and one or the other is going up down. The baby is suffering with the needles they are putting in him and from being on a drip.
May Allah grant sabr to our brother and his wife and may He grant shifaa to the baby and make him strong. Ameen.
may Allah cures hamza, so he can doing daily activity as usual,, amiin
may Allah give him complete shifa..
وَإِذَا مَرِضْتُ فَهُوَ يَشْفِينِ
may allah give shifaa
may ALLAH grant him good health.AAMEEN
may ALLAH SWT grant shifa to this brother in islam
may Allah give the baby an immediate healing amin and beautiful patience on his parents
Ameen ya Rabbal alameen
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
سبحان الله
what is being described reminds me of رسول الله صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلم
when his son إبراهيم رضي الله تعالى عنه
was a small baby. he was very young when he died. الحمد لله hamza has been given رحمة من الله تعالى by still enduring the pain he may be experiencing. إن شاء الله much good will be Blessed upon these brothers and sister (father, son, and wife) that are patiently going through this Trial From الله تعالى
و آمين إلى الدعاء
Ameen. May Allah (SWT) cure their son and grant them patience.
اللهم اشفه شفاء عاجلا يارب شفاء لا يغادر سقما. آمين يارب
Allah(swt) is great.
Ameen at All the Dua's.
May Allah guive patience to our brother Ibrahim Adam and his family and cure Hamza. Ameen
May Allah quickly restore baby Hamza to good health. ameen
salam.may Allah send on him His Rahma.Aameen.
May Allah the merciful cure the baby. ameen.
May Allah give Hamza complete shifaa and give his parents stamina to face this difficult situation.
May Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful grant shifa and a healthy life to Hamza.
any updates. aameen to the duas.
Assalaamu alaikum
just a quick update Hamza has now been moved to another hospital that cares for children only.
And alhumdulliah the drip he was on has come off.
So please keep making dua for us as in this hard time its very hard for my wife as we had a son with the same illness who passed away 7 years ago at the young age of 4 years.
Ibrahim adam (Hamza dad)
salam alaykoum, barrak Allah oufik brother Adam for this good information mashaAllah. May Allah grant to all your family long, pious and healthy life. Ameen
may Allah grant him shifa and may Allah give sabr to his parents
Allah knows best there is goodness in everything
May Allah give strength to brother Adam and his wife n the baby be blessed with health and iman. Ameen.
Update hamza pottasium level have shot up to high so hamza has been moved to HDU unit now.
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