Assalaamu alaikum
A sister has asked for the following dua request:
please can everybody make dua for my sister in laws mum who has terminal cancer and is in her last stages. she is non muslim. please make dua that she accepts islam and becomes a muslim and dies with imaan and the kalimah on her lips and grant her jannatul firdaws.
please make dua for her and tell others to make dua for her.
may Allah reward u all.
May Allah guide her to Islaam and give her shifaa kaamila and shifaa daimaa. May Allah grant her and the whole Ummah Jannat Al-Firdous. Ameen
Assalaamu alaikum
UPDATE: She accepted Islam not long after this dua request was made alhamdulillah. And she passed away last night. May Allah have mercy on her and bless her with ease in the qabr.
May Allah guide her to Islam, the truth, and grant her the highest level of paradise.. AMEEN
May Allah show and guide her to the only true path i.e. to be an Islam. And may The Almighty grant her peace in this world and later in the akhirah... Aaaamin
salam alaykoum,may Allah guide her to islam and cure her.Ameen.InchaAllah try to convince her to listen to the coran and to read a khutbah "Striking with Disease" by Sheikh Shuraim, may Allah bless him (just type the name on google)
Allahu Akbar Kabeera!
Walhamdulillah Kaseera!
Wa Subhanallahi Bukratan Wa Aseela!
SubhanAllah this muslim ummah.. loving, caring and praying for each other..
MashaAllah Prayer accepted by Allah by just asking him once..SubhanAllah..
the result was stone turned into Gold. May Allah grant her Jannat-ul-Firdous. and give other ability to understand and guide to follow Islam.. Ameen
Fantastic news that she became Muslim before passing away. Alhamdullilah.
Tabarakallah great news
Subhanallah, what a wonderful story and what I wanted to say was said by brother Sufian... :) May Allah S.W.T help her in the qabr... Ameen
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،
اللهم يارب تقبل منها قبولا حسنا واغفر لها وارحم عليها وأدخلها في جناتك جنات النعيم. آمين
Al Hamdulillah. Allahu Akbar. Allah is really the loard of each single soul!!! this is really a proof for all of us: believers and non believers. May Allah guide us all to the right way.
today afternoon i thought that i shall also forward request of dua on haramainre... then i was confused that shall i give a request or not.
now after reading the update i got the answer
Inshallah we will also pass away with imaan and shahadah
ameen to the duas.La hawla wa la qouwata illa billah
Subhanallah... How merciful is our Allah
AHL (Alhamdulilah! -
Alhamdulillah Allahuakbar May all of us depart with iman. Ameen.
allhamdulilah she accepted islam and now will be a muslim when she meets Allah, goes to show dua is the weapon of the beliver, it really is subhanAllah!
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