The following message was sent to us:
"a 12 year boy named muhammad is having a problem in his retina (in the eye) by which he lost his left eye sight, so he is under going a surgery on the 10th friday of february. i kindly beg all of you to make dua that the surgery should be succesful. unlike other boys this boys aim is to memorize the quran and meet the imaams of haramain and settle in makkah, i kindly once again requst you to make special dua on friday for him."
how heart breaking! inshallah he will get shifa i will make duaa for him and tell my sister who is in madina to make duaa for him.i know of a boy who was blind the Dr had no hope for his vision he applied the the water that the kabah was washed with and allhamdulillah he got his vision back it was a miricle from allah may allah gran muhammed shifa ameen
Allah give him shifa3
Ameen Ya rb
may Allah The Almighty cure him make his opperation succesful and accept all his wishes ameen.
May Allah grant brother Muhammad shifa and may the almighty give his family sabr in difficult times like this.
In the Quran it states in surah Al-inshirah: "Surely with every difficulty comes ease"
May Allah (swt) heal this young boy of his eye affliction and grant him a speedy recovery, as well as help him achieve his aim of memorising the Quran and meeting the imaams of the two holy sites. Ameen.
i also have that aim too.. ya allah plz give me an opportunity to meet the all imams of haramain sharafain ammen
اللهم رب الناس أذهب البأس اشفِ أنت الشافي لا شفاء إلا شفاؤك ، شفاء لا يغادر سقما
Allahumma antashshafi ..ennaka 3la kulli shay2en qadeer..ya rabb.
May Allah Accept our Plea and grant the boy with good eye sight through which he can memorize his book and see his Ka'ba & grant complete fitness & also grant him success here and hereafter.., and make him among those on whom Allah has bestowed his honor & grace. Aameen!
may ALLAH AZZAWAJAL shower HIS blessings on this boy i ask ALLAH SWT wholeheartedly to grant him complete shifa and make this operation a successful one
May Allah Grant him Shifa so he can memorize the Quran and meet the Haramain Imams. Ameen
Jazakallah hr staff for your quick job plz keep it here untill friday the boy is very happy when i told him that even hr is making dua for you may allah reward you
May Allah make it easy for him
@Anonymous 13. If you do not mind me asking where is this young boy from.
may Allah grant the young boy shifa inshallah
Insha Allah the young boy wil see by Fajr, Bie Iethnilah.
Rachid Amarouche Saidi
Salam.plz say him to recite ayat e shafa every time.that z"ALLAH HUMMA AFEENE FI BADANI ALLAH HUMMA AFEENE FI SAM'E ALLAH HUMMA AFEENE FI BASARI LA ILAHA ILLA ANT.ALLAH HUMMA INNI AOZOBIKA MIN AL KUFRI WAL FAQRI WA AOZOBIKA MIN AZAB IL QABRI LA ILAHA ILLA ANT.i hav'nt arabic language so might be any error in writing occured.plz correct it if any mistake z.and 4 give me Allah also 4give me.
May Allah give him Shifa and success in achieving his aims
Inshaaallah I will Pray 4 him...
inshaallah his dreams will come true....
O my Lord,give this boy back his eyesight who wants to memorize the Quran And wants to visit makkah And madina And settle there.
Ameen Yarabbal Aalameen.
ALLAH the Almighty, the sublime grant this child and all our sick quick recovery and may it be a kaffara 4 their sins/short comings.Ameen
allah grant him shifa if there is khair inshallah , but if not than allah grant him as well as his family lot of patient ameen
Ya Allah please restore the eyesight of this young child so he can memorize Quran and spread the teachings of your Book. May Allah grant health and give hidayah to all Muslims.
May Allah Almighty give him shifa. May Allah Almighty bless his dreams. Ameen
Inshallah Allah give him shifa.
for muhammad parents, trying to make giving (infaq) to poor people before get surgery ,, help another people so Allah will help your son insha Allah,..
May Allah grant shifa to muhammad so he can memorize Quean and meet Haramain Imams
did the boys surgery pass succesfuly
May Allah bless the boy with the best vision and allow him to fulfill his noble desire of memorizing the Holy Quran.
May Allah grant the boy shifa, cure his illness and ease all his pains with a speedy recovery. Ameen.
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