Nah, He isn't the new Mu'adhin. He has been giving the Adhan in Masjid-ul-Haram for some time but he does not come as often as Sheikh Farook Hadrawi and Sheikh Naif who come often.
sorry for late reply, its because he recognized me as i always use to see him coming out the palace and shake his hand..then we got speaking..and he used to let me walk with him and the guards..and he also let me walk into the entrance of the palace on the day iwas leaving, words cannot describe the feeling subhanAllah
Wow Sheikh Towfiqe Khouj gave the Iqamah Mashallah. Very rare! He comes very rarely, about twice a week
wonderful recitation mashAllah i miss sheikh talib so much :(
Yeah I wish he would lead isha prayers if I go 4 umrah in Ramadhan,insyaAllah.
Is he new Mohozzin who gave Iqama?
why do u miss sheikh talib he reads isha everyday?
Nah, He isn't the new Mu'adhin. He has been giving the Adhan in Masjid-ul-Haram for some time but he does not come as often as Sheikh Farook Hadrawi and Sheikh Naif who come often.
because i use to go umrah every year brother but now due to commitments im unable to, and me and sheikh talib got quite friendly allhamdulilah
umayr u are soo lucky mashallah
@umayr786, How did you manage to get quite friendly with Sheikh Talib? I would like to go for Umrah and meet him personally. I am his fan.
@umayr786 im not a brother
sorry for late reply, its because he recognized me as i always use to see him coming out the palace and shake his hand..then we got speaking..and he used to let me walk with him and the guards..and he also let me walk into the entrance of the palace on the day iwas leaving, words cannot describe the feeling subhanAllah
@ umayr786
Mashaallah You are so lucky
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