Sheikh Sudais is back,and so beautful salah.
Welcome back...Alhamdullilah our waiting period for Sheikh Sudais is over.God bless him.
how many surahs does the quraan contain ?
Awesome recitationMay Allah bles himMashaAllahAlhamdu lillah Allah Akbar
Nice to see Sheikh Sudais back and on top form.
Sheikh sudais is back,,,alhamdulilah i am so happy!
mashallah sheikh sudais is back it was soo surprising for me i am sooooooooooooooooooooo happymay allah bless him
The Quran has 114 surahs
Salaam. To the sister in South Africa (my place of birth as well), the qur'an contains 114 surahs and is devided into 30 parts (juz). Each surah is a chapter and each juz is only for measure and reference.
the holy quran contains total of 114 surahs.
114 Surahs
Salam,welkom back Sheikh Sudais, what a golden voice.May God continue to guide u Aameen.God bless u.
it start from al anaan 160
i was always wodering,jazakallah inshallah one day i will get to know the names of the surahs as well
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Sheikh Sudais is back,and so beautful salah.
Welcome back...
Alhamdullilah our waiting period for Sheikh Sudais is over.God bless him.
how many surahs does the quraan contain ?
Awesome recitation
May Allah bles him
Alhamdu lillah
Allah Akbar
Nice to see Sheikh Sudais back and on top form.
Sheikh sudais is back,,,alhamdulilah i am so happy!
mashallah sheikh sudais is back it was soo surprising for me i am sooooooooooooooooooooo happy
may allah bless him
The Quran has 114 surahs
Salaam. To the sister in South Africa (my place of birth as well), the qur'an contains 114 surahs and is devided into 30 parts (juz). Each surah is a chapter and each juz is only for measure and reference.
the holy quran contains total of 114 surahs.
114 Surahs
Salam,welkom back Sheikh Sudais, what a golden voice.May God continue to guide u Aameen.God bless u.
it start from al anaan 160
i was always wodering,jazakallah inshallah one day i will get to know the names of the surahs as well
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