we are going for umrah today so i need sheikh salih aal talib's phone number. i will be back in 3 weeks inshaallah.either give me his cell or house number.
i can imagine what will happen if sheikh taalibs number was open to the public he probabaly will have a que of people outside his house waiting to greet him and he sure would be tired of hearing how nice he reads coz he is half tons of peoples favorite reciter!
@anonymous#2, While I was in Makkah, I made dua to see Sheikh Talib cos I love his recitation so much. By Allah's will I actually saw him pass in front of me. So make dua with all your heart and inshaAllah it will be granted. And please make dua so I can go for umrah this year. Shukran.
@ Anon 2 Bro as you are going for umrah, please remember all the Muslims going through tough times ( specially in Arab countries) in your special dua.. And also dua for me.. May Allah (s.w.t.) give you opportunity to meet Sheikh Talib..
we are going for umrah today so i need sheikh salih aal talib's phone number. i will be back in 3 weeks inshaallah.either give me his cell or house number.
why would anybody just give u his personal numbers like that bro? u can make salam to him if u see in the haram anyway. :s
i can imagine what will happen if sheikh taalibs number was open to the public he probabaly will have a que of people outside his house waiting to greet him and he sure would be tired of hearing how nice he reads coz he is half tons of peoples favorite reciter!
Love the innocence in the question from number 2. Masha Allah
mashallah nice recitation. make dua for everyone anonymous no2.
@anonymous#2, While I was in Makkah, I made dua to see Sheikh Talib cos I love his recitation so much. By Allah's will I actually saw him pass in front of me. So make dua with all your heart and inshaAllah it will be granted. And please make dua so I can go for umrah this year. Shukran.
@ Anon 2 Bro as you are going for umrah, please remember all the Muslims going through tough times ( specially in Arab countries) in your special dua.. And also dua for me.. May Allah (s.w.t.) give you opportunity to meet Sheikh Talib..
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