Never get tired of listening to him!
You are an inspiring example for all your fans,,,i love you,,,may Allah reward you with jannah in the hereafter!
see that empty block by the muazzins room [0;27] thats where they keep the janazas inshallah we will all be there one day!
salam.i m the fan of all imams but of Salih al Talib the most.may allah give him best place and companions in this world and hereafter.Ameen.
plz hr staff take an interview with shaik talib in which qs would be from us.
I completely agreee with brother Saleem and may ALLAH grant u'r team Jannah Ameen
We are in communication with any of the Imaams of the Haramain and cannot interview them.
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Never get tired of listening to him!
You are an inspiring example for all your fans,,,i love you,,,may Allah reward you with jannah in the hereafter!
see that empty block by the muazzins room [0;27] thats where they keep the janazas inshallah we will all be there one day!
salam.i m the fan of all imams but of Salih al Talib the most.may allah give him best place and companions in this world and hereafter.Ameen.
plz hr staff take an interview with shaik talib in which qs would be from us.
I completely agreee with brother Saleem and may ALLAH grant u'r team Jannah Ameen
We are in communication with any of the Imaams of the Haramain and cannot interview them.
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