The best gutbah reader and the best recitator of the koran in makkah is still SAUD AL SHURAIM ,no one( with all respect) can touch mine hart like saud al shuraim does in this 20 years, i hope that they give him salah al fajr to lead all months in 2012. LA ILAHA IL ALLAH, WA A SHADOE ANA MOHAMADOEN ABDOEHOE WA RASOELOE .
Surah Baqarah 99-107
The best gutbah reader and the best recitator of the koran in makkah is still SAUD AL SHURAIM ,no one( with all respect) can touch mine hart like saud al shuraim does in this 20 years, i hope that they give him salah al fajr to lead all months in 2012. LA ILAHA IL ALLAH, WA A SHADOE ANA MOHAMADOEN ABDOEHOE WA RASOELOE
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