Assalaamu alaikum

Haramain Recordings has come a long way since it was first created in 2006. Ever since it was created, our aim was to bring Makkah and Madeenah just a bit closer to you by presenting you with the best quality recordings. We have now come to the point where we need to ask for you to donate whatever little you can offer, to help enhance this cause. We have been a free service until now, and there have been times when videos got deleted from the 3rd party sites we upload to and due to the amount of space it takes to keep that amount of salaah recordings, we have . Our goals are to switch to paid hosting, provide better quality videos, and with better quality videos comes needing a faster internet speed as well.

Recordings will still be available free of charge. Your donation will be a one time deal, so that we are able to move forward with plans. If you do not donate, you will still be able to view the recordings that are posted.

We completely understand that people have financial hardships, other causes that they are also donating to, and other complexities in their lives, however if you are so able, please make the effort to pitch in.

May Allah reward all those who help, and all those who at least have the sincere intention to if they aren't actually able.