Surat Al-Muddaththir سورة المدثر
Sheikh Ali Abdullah Jaber
(may Allah have mercy on him)
Truly Amazing Subhan'Allah
Makkah Taraweeh 1406
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Sheikh Ali Abdullah Jaber
(may Allah have mercy on him)
Truly Amazing Subhan'Allah
Makkah Taraweeh 1406
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maansha allah god bless him and have mercy on him and us
MashALLAH what a pleasant voice/recitation. may ALLah have mercy on my beloved shiekh jabir. Love him alot for the sake of ALLAH.
I have a copy of surat al muddatthir sheikh Salah al Budair recites. He recites exactly same as sheikh Jaber's this recitation. I he inspires him. As he inspirest most of us...
May Allah s.w.t. protect the former and mercy on the latter...
I think sheikh Ali jaber inspires many of the imams of Makkah and madinah
May his soul rest in peace..emotional recitation
May Allah grant Jannat al Firdaws to Sheikh Jaber, Rahima Hullah. Very very beautiful recitation and voice
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