Sura At-Tawba

Sura At-Tawba

from 30th Night Ramadan 1426.
*Ramadan was 30 days that year.
Awesome and Emotional masha'Allah

  • Sheikh Juhany (1 to 33) Taraweeh
  • Sheikh Budair (34 to 96) Taraweeh
  • Sheikh Shuraim (97 to End) Tahajjud [Very Emotional]

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Anonymous said...

Salams. Does anyone know where the video for this recording is available. If any brother knows plz cud u answer I really want to see it thats y. Jazakumullah.

Anonymous said...

i am extremely thankful to the haramain team 4r such a great favour they had done to me,i have visited this site after a long time so sorryyy for the late reply.may Allah grant u with Jannat ul firdous.Ameen

Anonymous said...

sheikh budair is MASHALLAH truelyyyyyyyyyyyyyy AWESOME in this taraweeh.JazakALLAH haramain team i cannot express my happiness and thanks in words.i cannot express in words how much thankful i am.May ALLAH bless u with his bounties in this world and hereafter.Pray 4r my hidaya

ATTIYA said...

all imams recited beautifully, MASHALLAH but SHEIKH SHURAIM is always GREAT. BEAUTIFUL VOICE ....BEAUTIFUL RECITATION.... there are no words to appriciate his recitation

Anonymous said...

subhaanallah sheikh Juhany is awesome. Unbelievable

Anonymous said...

it's like a garden full of beautiful flowers... you can't decide which one is the most beautiful. the rose, or the tulip or the lilium...

daughter of PAKISTAN said...

SALAM 2 all the visitors of this beautiful website can anybody tell me is this is the same shaikh (shakh budair)who leads in PROPHET SALLAHU ALAYHI WASALLAM MOSQUE MADINA????

- HR Staff - said...

^ Yes, it is the same sheikh.

daughter of PAKISTAN said...

thnx HR Staff 4 reply