Eid al Adha 1422

led by Sheikh Saud ash Shuraim

Sent by Brother Hatim 7


Anonymous said...

Can you please provide a download link for this please?
Jazakallahu Khairan!

Anonymous said...

thanx haramain 4 posting eid ul azha salat its really superb
iwant 2 know who led 1423 eid ul azha salat as i remember it was led by shuraim , plz confirm it
fans of sheikh shuraim

DVB-T2 said...


Amazing MashaAllah!

Could you give download link for this video, JazakumAllah!


Anonymous said...

Download Link Please!! the video is not working for me!!

Sheikh Shuraim 4 ever said...

Wow, I can't believe I didn't know Sheikh Shuraim lead Eid Salah in 1422! Please post in another format or provide the download link please! The video won't work for me either! Jazakallah.

Anonymous said...

a request to the HR team. Please put the vidoe in another format or provide a don=wnload link as the video is not working