One of our team member's (she is not only helping us with blog but she is just like our elder sister)
mother is suffering from an illness has been hospitalized and in need of your duas.
We are kindly requesting our viewers to please pray that her illness is entirely cured,
that she has a long blessed healthy life.
Jazka'Allahu khairan
" The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
"The believers, in their love, mutual kindness, and close ties, are like one body; when any part complains, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever." [Muslim], "The faithful are like one man: if his eyes suffers, his whole body suffers."
Inshallah she will be all right and back home soon fully recovered....Inshallah......Ameen..
May Allah cure her and make it this harship nothing but a purifacation for her and her loved ones. ameen. Make duca for my brother aswell he got diagnosed with MS. May Allah cure him ameen.
May ALLAH make it easy her & her family give a pure healthy, may ALLAH (swt) give you strength to do anything you wish to do may ALLAH forgive your sins if there is any may ALLAH take away your pain ALLAHUMMA AMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!!!
me will pray for her specially inshALLAH SHE WILL GET SOON WELL
May Allah send her a cure and mercy like that upon Prophet Ayub (Aaleeha Salaam).
May the love of Allah radiate upon her and cure her.
May the Angels of Paradise supplicate upon her for the good of this world and the good of the Hereafter.
As Alullahal Azeem Rabbal Arshil Azaam Ain Yashfiyak.
(I ask Allah the great , the Lord of the Arsh, to grant you Shifaa)
may Allah grant her a speedy recovery. inshallah i will do dua for her
I will make a special dua for her and insha Allah she would be fine if Allah so wills.
inshAllah she will be fine by the grace of Allah , and this ilness takes her sins off ameen , and may Allah grant her recovery from ilness ameen.
May Allah give her a speedy recovery and make this a purification for her, ameen.
اللهم اشفه ومرضى امة سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وصحبه وسلم آمين يارب العالمين
May Allah SWT give her a speedy recovery and grant long life with good health. Ameen.
Munir Ahmed, Pakistan
Allah Yashfeekhi. Allahumma ishfi mardana wa mardal muslimeen ya rabb
May Allah grant her a speedy recovery. آمين!
May Allah give her speedy recovery and give barakah in her age. Ameen
May Allah grant her shifa e daima nd make her healthy very soon nd bless hm wid afiat nd healthful shifa.
mayAllah grant her shifa and make it easy upon the family Ameen Ameen Ameen
May Allah swt giver her shifa and aid her with the quick recovery. "La basa thahoorun insha allah". May this be a means of purification for her." Aameen.
May Allah the almighty grant her full shifaa! Also may he do what is best for her! Insha'allah she will be better soon!
اللهم اشفي مرضانا وجميع مرضى المسلمين .انك سميع مجيب الدعوات يارب العالمين.اللهم اشفي والدة أخت العزيزة، اللهم يغفر الذنوب لها، وإعطاء قوة لها والشفاء العاجل. اللهم ألهم صبرها. اللهم إطالة حياتها. يا سميع الدعاء، يا مجيب الدعاء لا تجعلنا بدعائك أشقياء، وكن بنا رؤوفا رحيما,يا خير المسئولين ويا خير المعطين،اللهم انا نسألك زيادة فى الدين,وبركه فى العمر,وبركة فى الرزق وبركةفى الذرية
,وبركةفى الوالدين وبركةفى الاعمال الصالحة.أمين يارب العالمين.اللهم صلي وسلم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه
May Allah cure her illness and restore her health quickly. Ameen!
I hope she has fully recovered now. May Allah continue to keep her safe and in best health. Ameen.
I also need something desperately fro Allah. Please pray that He answers my dua as it is only He who can help me. Please!
we are having public exams here . please pray for us and all muslims.
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