Interview with Sheikh Ghamdi

ممكن من فضيلتكم أن تعرفنا عن نفسك؟و عن دراستك؟و عن تعيينك كإمام بالحرم المكي الشريف و متى كان؟
أولاً أشكرك أخي الكريم على هذه اللفته وعلى هذا اللِقاء وأسأل الله ان يكون لقاءً مباركً

أما أنا فإسمي خالد بن علي الغامدي,من مواليد مكة المكرمة شرفها الله و حرسها,و تلقيت دراستي الإبتدائية و المتوسطة و الثانوية و الجامعية في مكة المكرمة و الحمد لله

و تخرجت من جامعة أم القرى من كلية الدعوة و أصول الدين قسم الكتاب و السنة,و حصلت على الماجستير في القراءات و الدكتوراه في التفسير و الحمد لله

و عينت رئيساً لقسم القراءات فترة من الزمن,ثم عينت وكيلاً لكلية الدعوة و أصول الدين إلى الآن و هذه هي الفترة الثالثة لي كوكيل للكلية
و أما تعييني كإمام للحرم فكان في 25 / 11 / 1428هـ بفضل الله عز وجل.وهذا هو أعظم شرف شرفني الله إياه وهو أمامة المسلمين في الحرم المكي

و إن كان لي من شكر فإني أشكر الله سبحانه و تعالى أولاً و أخيراً الذي له الفضل سبحانه و تعالى,ثم أشكر ولاة الأمر جزاهم الله خيراً على هذه الثقة التي أولوني إياها و ظنوا فيا ظن خير,وإن شاء الله أكون عند حسن ظن الجميع.كما أشكر والداي الكريمين الذين كان لهما الأثر الكبير في مسيرة حياتي,كما أشكر زوجتي و أولادي ومن له أثر فيما أنا فيه و هذا كله بفضل الله و كرمه

من إمام لجامع الأميرة شيخة بحي الخالدية إلى إمام للحرم,ما هو شعورك عند سماعك للخبر؟أنا لا أستطيع أن أصف شعوري,لأنه شي لا يوصف و حقيقة إنه أمر عظيم لأنني كنت إماماً لمسجد صغير و عدد المصلين فيه محدود,أما الآن أصبح يصلي خلفي آلاف مؤلفة من المسلمين,و في أيام الحج يصلي خلفي ملايين المصلين و هذا أمر لا يصدق و لا يوصف فلذلك لا أستطيع أن أصف هذا الشعور و أجزم أن هذا فضل من الله عز وجل لا أحصي ثناءً عليه,فو الله لو مكثت من الآن إلى يوم القيامة و أنا أشكر الله ما أديت شكر هذه النعمة العظيمة التي هي إمامة المسلمين في هذا المكان الذي هو أقدس مكان و أطهر مكان على وجه الأرض,و الحمد لله رب العالمين و لاشئ غير هذا

هل كانت إمامة الحرم أمنية لك؟نعم هي أمنية و لاشك أن أكون في هذا المكان يقتدي بي الناس و يصلون خلفي الملايين,و لكن هي جاءت هبة من الله من دون أي طلب مني أو سؤال أو سعي وراءها,إنما هي قسمة من الله و نصيب كتبها الله لي

كنت قبل الإمامة في الحرم أصلي بالناس في مسجد الخيف و مكثت حوالي 5 سنوات و أنا أصلي بالناس في مواسم الحج.و تعرف أن مسجد الخيف عبارة عن صورة مصغرة عن الحرم بالذات في مواسم الحج,فالحمد لله عندما تعينت في الحرم كانت لدي نوع من الخبرة في إمامة عدد كبير من المصلين

ماهي أول صلاة صليتها في الحرم؟و متى كانت؟و ما شعورك و أنت تصلي أول صلاة في الحرم؟
أول صلاة سرية كانت صلاة الظهر يوم الأربعاء 23 / 12 / 1428هـ,و أما أول صلاة جهرية كانت صلاة العشاء يوم الأحد 27 / 12 / 1428هـ

و من عجيب الموافقات أني قرأت في صلاة العشاء في أول صلاة لي قوله تعالى في سورة يونس(( قل بفضل الله و برحمته فبذلك فليفرحوا هو خير مما يجمعون )) و كانت هذا الموافقة عجيبة و ما كنت قاصداً لها لكن جاءت من عند الله سبحانه و تعالى

أما شعوري فكان لدي رهبة عجيبة و غريبة حيث شعرت بأن قلبي سيخرج من مكانه لكن تثبيت الله هو الذي ثبتني سبحانه و تعالى,لأنها أول صلاة و كان خلفي آلاف الحجاج.فعندما كبرت أول تكبيرة شعرت شعوراً غريباً من الخوف و الرهبة لكن عندما بدأت بقراءة الفاتحة و الآيات من سورة يونس شعرت بأن الأمور بدأت تهدأ و الحمد لله و هذا كله بتثبيت الله سبحانه و تعالى

ماهو سبب زيارة فضيلتكم لجنوب أفريقيا؟هي تلبية لدعوة المسلمين في جنوب أفريقيا خصوصاً في ديربن من مؤسسة الأنصار و المسلمين جميعاً في جوهانسبرغ و في كيب تاون,وهذه المدن هي التي سأزورها بإذن الله و سأزور المسلمين فيها.حيث عرضت الدعوة على المقام السامي فوافق عليها و رشحت من قبل الرئاسة العامة لشؤون الحرمين و الحمد لله,وجئت هنا لتلبية الدعوة المباركة و أسأل الله أن تؤتي ثمارها إن شاء الله

Download Arabic Interview (.doc)

Rough English Translation (If you have corrections, please notify us)

Is it possible to tell us about yourself? About your studies? And about your appointment as Imam of Masjid ul-Haram? And when did that happen?
First of all, I would like to thank you my dear brother for this favour and this meeting and I ask Allah swt to make this meeting full of barakah.
As for me, My name is Khalid bin Ali Al-Ghamdi. I was born in Makka tul Mukarrama Allah honour it and guard it. My elementary, middle, secondary as well as university studies were all in Makkah All praises be to Allah.

And I graduated from the University of Ummul Qurra from college of Dawah and Usool Ad-Deen in the department of writers and sunnah. I obtained a masters in recitation and a doctorate in tafseer All praises be to Allah.

I was appointed as President of the department of recitation from a long time, then I was appointed as a judge in the college of usool ad-deen til now and this is the third position for me; a judge of the college.
As for my appointment as Imam of Masjid ul-Haram, it was in 25th dhul-Hijjah 1428 with the help of Allah azza wa jall. And this is the greatest honour, the honour Allah alone gave me and that is leading the Muslims in the Sacred Place in Makkah (i.e. Masjid ul-Haram)

Among those whom I thank, firstly and lastly I thank Allah subhanu waTala for this great favour. Then I want to thank the leaders of the Affairs, May Allah reward them abundtandly) for this confidence which they placed in me and thought the best of me, InshAllah I will not fail everyone. As I thanked them, I must thank my parents who have had a significant impact in the processes/stages of my life. As I must thank my wife, my children and those who have had an impact in what I have and this is all from the blessings of Allah.

From the Imam of Masjid Al-Amerra, Sheikha Al-Khalidiyya to the Imam of Masjid ul-Haram, what was your feeling when you heard the news?
I am not able to describe my feelings because it is something indescribable. Truly it is a great command because I was the Imam of a small masjid with a limited number of Musalleen. As for now, I have become the leader, leading salaat for a hundred thousand muslims. And in the days of Hajj, I have lead salaat for a million people. This command is not believable and is not describable which is why I am not able to describe this feeling. And I am confident that this is a bounty from Allah azza wa jall and I can not thank him enough. And I thank Allah for what I performed; this great blessing which is the leading of the Muslims in this place which is the most sacred place, the most pure place on the surface of this earth. All praises are to the Lord of the Universe and there is nothing like Him.

Was being the Imam of Masjid-ul-Haram a desire for you? Yes, this was my desire and there is no doubt that I wanted to be in this place, leading the people, leading a million people in salaat. But this gift came to me from Allah without me being asked, or questioned or long sought. This was the qismat of from Allah, the destiny which Allah subhanu waTala had written for me.

Before I was the Imam of Haram, I lead people in a small Masjid for about 5 years. And (then) I led people in the hajj season and you know that the small masjid was a thumbnail image in comparison to Haram in the hajj season. All praises be to Allah, when I was appointed in the Haram, I had experience in leading lots of Musalleen (those who pray)

What was the first salaat that you led in the Haram? When was it? What was your feeling when you led the first salaat in the haram? The first salaat was salaat Adh-Dhuhr was on Wednesday the 23rd of Dhul-Hajjah 1428. As for the first jahriyya salaat, it was Salaat ul-Ishaa on Sunday 27th of Dhul-Hajjah 1428.
It was a strange setting that I read in Salaat ul-Ishaa in the first salaat for me the words of Alalh in Surat Yunus (58. Say: “In the Bounty of Allah, and in His Mercy (i.e. Islam and the Qur’an); - therein let them rejoice.” That is better than what (the wealth) they amass.) and this was a strange setting but I did not purposely choose it; it came from Allah swt

As for my feelings, it was scary, strange and wonderful; I felt my heart will come out of its place but the firmness of Allah subhanu waTala kept me firm. Because this was the first salaat when a thousand hujjaj (pilgrims) prayed behind me. When I gave the first takbeer, I felt a strange feeling of fear and dreadfulness but when I began the recitation of Fatiha and verses from Surat Yunus I felt that things began to calm down All praises be to Allah and this is all from Allah subhanu waTala.

What is the reason for your visit to South Africa?It is an invitation from the Muslims in South Africa, especially in Durban from the Establishment of the Helpers and from all the Muslims in Johannesburg and in Cape Town. And these cities are the ones which I will be visiting with the permission of Allah and I will visit the Muslims in it. Where an invitation has been presented to all the Muslims and they have accepted it. I was nominated by the General Presidency of the Affairs of the Haramain Alhamdulillah so I came here for Dawah and I ask Allah to produce its fruits InshaAllah.

Download English Translation (.doc)

JazakAllah khair to brother Ahmed Nafa for this interview.


Anonymous said...

AWESUM!!!! tooo goood!! i luv ths part of the interview!!

As for my feelings, it was scary, strange and wonderful; I felt my heart will come out of its place but the firmness of Allah swt kept me firm. Because this was the first salaat when a thousand hujjaj (pilgrims) prayed behind me. When I gave the first takbeer, I felt a strange feeling of fear and dreadfulness but when I began the recitation of Fatiha and verses from Surat Yunus I felt that things began to calm down All praises be to Allah and this is all from Allah swt

May ALlah give u more and more happiness Imam Ghamdi and Protect u and keep u with good health, wealth and happiness in this world and the hereafter Ameen! and grant us also good in the both worlds with piousness.AMEEN YA RABAL ALAMEEN.

Anonymous said...

sheikh ghamadi is so humble may allah preserve him ameen

Unknown said...

Is there any relation between Sheikh Khalid Al Ghamdi and Sheikh Saad Al Ghamdi

Unknown said...

Salaat ul-Ishaa on Sunday 27th of Dhul-Hajjah 1428 was led by Shaykh Salah Al Talib.

- HR Staff - said...

No, his first jahriyya salaat was on the 27th, which was actually a Sunday, but he got the date right in any case. Sheikh Taalib led on the 26th.
The recording is here:

- HR Staff - said...

And also just a little correction, it's Sheikh Taalib's name is Saalih, not Salah. Those are two different names.

salman said...

salam HR staff and also all brother and sister... can someone upload peace conference india vids plz plz.....

Losongboy65 said...

Sheikh Khalid Al-Ghamdi was one of the imam during our Umroh in August 2008. In Fajr prayer, he became emotional when reciting part of Surah Yusof...I will never forget that moment, ever! May Allah SWT bless him and family, and all HR staffs.

umayr said...

wowww i always wanted a interview from sheikh ghamdi..he has such a beautiful personality mashAllah

Anonymous said...

mashAllah good to knoe more about sheikh Khalid
may Allah gran him and us jannat alfurdous

Ahson said...

Sheikh Ghamdi truly derserved to be an imam of the haram..he really is sooo amazing! thanks for posting the interview.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if he will record the whole of the quran on CD and is it already Available??

Anonymous said...

v nice he seems so humble n softheartd

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, but :

كلية الدعوة و أصول الدين قسم الكتاب و السنة
for me, it means:
College of Da'wa and Usuluddin in Studies of the Book (Quran) and Sunnah.

the writers in arabic, is: الكاتبون

Jibran said...

Asalaam , first of all , I would like to thank the HR team for their wonderful work, is their by any chance that the HR team could inform the imams of the country where I am from, Mauritius , it is near Madagascar . Thnk you for everything , asalaam .