Blog for Taraweeh 1431

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Anonymous said...

thanx so so so so so much may allah put this in your good deeds how fortunate are we to have such a website may allah bless whoever took part in the compialation of this website the staff and the regular users may allah bless you all

Anonymous said...

بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله.
الحمد لله الذي بنعمته تتم الصالحات.
شكر الله سعيكم ووفقكم للأكثر وثبتكم وخلفكم صلحاء وأمناء إلى يوم الدين.
Jazakumullah khaira you all team of this website wa zadakum elmaa wa eemanaa.
May Allah Subhanah make you neighbour of Rasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم in aakhirat. Aaaaaaamin

Anonymous said...

السلام عليكم جميعا المنتظمين والناظرين والسامعين
are you preparing madina tareevih program also like this programe?
جزاكم الله خيرا والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله

Anonymous said...

yeah thanx to the above comment could anyone please tell me what softwaree you use to cut the takbbraart and so on please please please someone tell me

and also may allah bless all your hard work in ramadhan 1431 as well as you have your own life you kept up-to-date with posting salahs taraeeh and tahajud

last point yesterday sheikh sudais led maghrib and I watched it live he read awesome may Allah bless him and all the ummat of muhammed(saw)


Anonymous said...

just to ask but why did sheikh adil kalbani not lead taraweeh this year. is there a reason thanx so much for posting this

Anonymous said...

may Allah bless u all 4 this great work.where is maDINA BLOG YET.

Ahson said...

Thank you so much for the 1431 blog. I was just wondering yesterday about the blog and today it has been uploaded:) May Allah reward you for your brilliant efforts.
I have a question though. I couldn't find any way to download the recitations. Is downloading not possible? Or will it be available some time later like in the previous blogs from 1428-1430?


Jazakallah khair.
I like the recordings so much.
May Allah bless you all for good deeds.


Anonymous said...


Dear HR Staff, mashAllah the quality is awesome, i want Audio CD set of this year Makkah & Madinah Taraweeh both, is it possible for you people to provide. JAZAKALLAH

Anonymous said...

Assalamu alaikum,

Jazakallah to the haramain team for providing this blog.

Just wanted to ask whether i could download this as an mp3 file and how do i do it?

Saliha said...

Could anyone tell me where I can buy the auido of Taraweeh.(i want 17 cd's box).Jazak Allah

Anonymous said...

how and what things do i need to become imam of haram

abdullah ibn syed said...

is there a way to download the MP3 files?
thanks so much

Anonymous said...

CD Set will cost $20 with shipping.

Anonymous said...

Why HR team not posting OUR RECITATION.
i have emailed so many times, but no response nor do they post?
Is there any error?
Please reply.

Great work on 1431 Taraweeh, May Allah reward all.

Saliha said...

How can i get cds ?

HR Staff said...

anyone wants to buy audio cds or video dvds of taraweeh 1431 contact.

Anonymous said...

HR do you have saad nomani traweeh cds or video dvds

MOHAMMED said...


HRstaff said...

Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullah

No I do not have Sheikh Saad Nomani's taraweeh cds or videos. Perhaps you may be able to find it somewhere on the internet :)

Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullah

umayr said...

jazakaAllah for posting madinah tarweeh aswell!

Anonymous said...

Excause me Can I post this link in others forum to let other people benifit from this post i know this is ur efforts , ineed the ajer pls if dont mind let me Know
waslam ..

Ahson said...

JazakAllah for the madina taraweeh upload. Now, waiting anxiously for the tahajjud 1431 blog:)

Anonymous said...

Many thanks for posting this, It?s simply what I used to be researching for on bing. I?d a lot comparatively hear opinions from an individual, barely than an organization web web page, that?s why I like blogs so significantly. Many thanks!

Anonymous said...

اللهم اهدني وسددني اللهم إني أسألك الهدى والسداد
اللهم اغفر لي ذنبي ووسع لي في داري وبارك لي في رزقي