6th August 2010 - 25th Shabaan 1431

Makkah Fajr
(Surat As-Sajdah wa Al-Insaan) Sheikh Ghamdi
Emotional MashAllah

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Asfand said...

Assalam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullah,

Yet another deep touching recitation, May Allah keep all his soul blessed and prosperous in this life and hereafter to whom, Allah chooses as the Luckiest candidate to receive the Ina'am of Rahmah and infinite shower of blessings as we witness Sheikh Khalid Al-Ghamdi is indeed the luckiest one. We can only pray to Allah to also consider us for the list of those whom he may choose based on their deeds or for the cause that is unknown to us, humans. Ameen

Assalam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullah,

Anonymous said...

Salam Alaikum,

This is a speed level of Recitation for Taraweeh. Maybe we will see Sheikh Ghamdi as Imam in Taraweeh.

Salam Alaikum

Anonymous said...


Ahson said...

MashaAllah, what an AWESOME AWESOME recitation!! This is probably the style sheikh ghamdi will use when he will inshaAllah lead taraweeh at the Haram. I think that day should come soon as i feel he really deserves to lead taraweeh.. Just LOVE his recitation..he really is brilliant! So glad he became an imam of the haramain..else many ppl might not have have the chance to appreciate his amazing recitations!

umayr said...

subhanAllah ive been waiting for sheikh khalid/ sheikh talib to do surah as sajadah wal insaan, last time sheikh ghamdi done it was 1-2 years ago! mashAllah beautiful recitation