28th July 2010 - 17th Shabaan 1431

Madinah Isha
(Surat Al-Hajj 63-76) Sheikh Qasim

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Anonymous said...

Mashallah nice recitation
can I just ask how the hr team work out which surah is being read?

Asfand said...

Assalam Alaikum wR. wB.
Its not very difficult to you if you have memorized Al-Quran and anyone who has well memorized can identify the surah and then you can go to the surah and check the Ayah recited and I still have to learn someone who can tell you the # of the Ayah that is being recited for the whole Al-Quran. Surah Identification is not very hard. Even if you recite Al-Quran carefully, you can identify but then again its all your memory and Allah knows best and blesses us with the Best ability. And our HR team certainly and surely has well-memorized Al-Quran or recites it to the extent that he/she can identify the surah with no problem at all, Allah knows best.

Assalam Alaikum wR. wB.