Live recordings - 29th Jan - 5th Feb 2010

الشيخ عبد الرحمن السديس - Sheikh Al-Sudais

الشيخ ماهر المعيقلي - Sheikh Mahir Al Mu'ayqali

الشيخ خالد الغامدي - Sheikh Khalid Al Ghamdi

شيخ الخياط - Sheikh Al-Khayyat

الشيخ فيصل غزاوي - Sheikh Ghazzawi

Azan - اذان


solly said...

Assalamu Alaykum

Jummah Mubarak to All haramain team members and users.

Sheikh Maahir's Maghrib salat was Awesome and i can hear little kids crying in background so sweet...last but not least thanks to sister zainab for sharing live recordings with us.

Walaykum Assalam

Anonymous said...

Does the HR staff know why the children are crying during the live recordings of Sheikh Ghamdi.
Please provide us with more live recordings of this imam. He is mashallah truly awesome.

AJA said...

Walaikum salam Solly, Jumua3 mubarak to you its kinda late but oh well. Anonymous, kids cry all the time :)..its their nature. In the salat, most people leave their kids on the floor.

solly said...

@SSfanforlyf....Assalamu Alaykum...Neva mind bro its thoughts that counts....yeah you rite bro when it salah time people do leave their kids on floor and engage with their salah thats the beauty of being Muslim...I know you are big fan of sheikh shuraim and i bet you missing him very much same here i am big fan of sheikh maahir and do the same when he is not around....anyways i hope sheikh shuraim will come and lead prayers soon....Aameen

Anonymous said...

اللهم قني شر نفسي واعزم لي على أرشد أمري
اللهم اغفر لي ما أسررت وما أعلنت وما أخطأت وما عمدت وما علمت وما جهلت