Dua Request

Assalaam u alaikum Viewers,
The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
"The believers, in their love, mutual kindness, and close ties, are like one body; when any part complains, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever." [Muslim], "The faithful are like one man: if his eyes suffers, his whole body suffers."

A very good friend of one of the admins of this site has a very serious kidney illness. We are kinly requesting our viewers to please pray that her illness is entirely cured, that she has a long blessed healthy life, and that the problems that she is encountering in her life are resolved.
Jazakumullahu khairan for your kindness,
Assalaam u alaikum


umayr said...

Inshallah may Allah make it easy for her and cure her

Anonymous said...

Asalaam aleikum to all muslims, inshLALlah she will have a healthy life , all muslims prays are with her , i hope she will get well soon , inshALlah

ali pakistan

Anonymous said...

I pray for sister to have HOPE and have FAITH in Allah (SWT) Insha'allah, Allah will grant her cure and we pray that she recovers very soon (Ameen)...from Faisal UK

Zainal said...

Syafahulloh,syifa'an laa yughadiru tsaqaman.
May Alloh give health to him.

Dear Lords,
This man is really give us meaning by spreading words of You.
Please give him health. Amin.

Sheikh Shuraim 4 ever said...

May Allah give her good health.

Shaikh Thubaity Fan said...

inshallah Allah giv her d best cure.ameen

مديحة said...

InshaAllah she will get well soon!! امِين

Anonymous said...

May Allah cure our sister, and grant her a long, healthy life and solve all her problems.Ameen.

May Allah also cure all ill Muslims throughout the world. Ameen.

Zain Al-Abedeen(Abu Abdul Quddes Al Britani) said...

Salam My Brothers and Sisters in Islam,

Inshallah Allah swt can bless her and restore her back to good health, And inshallah Allah set will Increase her Deen and Imaan from this Situation.

Salam Alaykum

Anonymous said...

May allah give shefa to all muslims

Unknown said...

May Allaahu subhaanahu wa ta'alaa,as-Salaamu cure our sick sister with a complete cure which leaves behind no sickness. May Allaahu reward her with tremendous good for her trial and make right all her worldly affairs, ameen.

Anonymous said...

Salam to all Muslims,

May ALLAH fulfill our Dua2 for our sick sister and hope she gets well soon, lnsya Allah.

muhamed shukor Malaysia

Anonymous said...

Inshallah we will all keep in prayers and spread word. Ameen

Anonymous said...

Inshallah we will all keep in prayers and spread word. Ameen

Anonymous said...

Allahumma chfi kulla maridh, wa 3afi kulla mubtalah, la chifa'ou illa chifa'ouk, ya qawiyyou ya matiin.
Amin, wa selemoun 3ala lmoursaline, wa al hamdoulillahi rabbi l3alamine.

Anonymous said...

May Allah Ta'ala grant her speedy recovery and complete cure from this illness. May Allah Ta'ala bless her healthy, happy and prosperous long life. Ameen

Muhammad Danish said...

InshaALLAH he will be fine, inshaALLAH.

Muhammad Danish