9th January 2010 - 24th Muharram 1431

Makkah Maghrib
(Surat Ad-Dhariyat 47-60) Sheikh Sudais

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Ahson said...

So nice to see Sheikh Sudais back for maghrib. Hopefully Sheikh Shuraim would return very soon for fajr and then we could have the legendary pair reciting on the same day:)

Anonymous said...

Glad to see Shaykh Sudays back, had a wonderful time with Shaykh Maahir leading the Salaahs. MaashaAllah he led for a while this time. May Allah bless him, increase him, and give him Istiqaamat for what he's doing.

Anonymous said...

:) original!

Asfand said...

Sheikh Abdur Rehman As-Sudais has also glorified Jan10 Maghrib. Brother Sudais recitation quality is undoubtedly Allah's gift to him. Everytime I hear his recitation, the intensity of my love for him just shoots itself and touches a newer height higher than the previous one. May Allah keep As-Sudais in his care and bless him with more time among us. Ameen

Sheikh Shuraim 4 ever said...

Good to see Sheikh Sudais back. Hopefully his cousin, Sheikh Shuraim will be back soon, too.

Sheikh Shuraim 4 ever said...

Good to see Sheikh Sudais back. Hopefully his cousin, Sheikh Shuraim will be back soon, too.

Anonymous said...

اللهم اهدني وسددني اللهم إني أسألك الهدى والسداد
اللهم اغفر لي ذنبي ووسع لي في داري وبارك لي في رزقي