21st January 2010 - 6th Safar 1431

Makkah Maghrib
(Surat Al-Hashr 18-24) Sheikh Mahir Al-Mu'ayqali
MashaAllah Amazing

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solly said...

What a great surprise to see my beloved Sheikh Maahir leading salat al-maghrib and guess what it was mind blowing Recitation as always....may ALLAH bless you and grant you highest place in Jannat.....Aameeen

المحب المعيقلي... said...

assalam aliqum how r u all? sheikh mahir is back Mashallah its surprize for us...
AMAZING...May god Bless him...

Ahson said...


..z said...

sh mahir came ! i hope he'll cont lead till feb inshallah

المعيقلي fan!! said...

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!! S.Maahirs bakkkk...Hope he continues doing salaah till end of ramadhan...:) Its a great surprise!!! Im soo glad 2 c him bakk!!:D

المحب المعيقلي... said...

its working?

Anonymous said...

اللهم طهرني من الذنوب والخطايا
اللهم نقني منها كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس
اللهم طهرني بالثلج والماء والبرد