Ramadhan 1430 - Picture

Grand iftaar in Masjid Al Nabwi
sent by Imran Battla


Anonymous said...

Id always watch everyone eating the bread and yogurt live on tv, and here in California we'd only be about 3 hours into fasting, so I'd watch these people eat some awesome food and would die of hunger already, haha. May Allah reward all the workers at Masjid Nabawiyy for all there efforts, it's so much work doing all this, imagine putting out all the foods, ALL OVER MASJID NABAWIYY! SubhaanAllah, may Allah reward them all!

Anonymous said...

thanks for pic.
brohter yahya

Unknown said...

This is not done by the Government. It is done by individual donators, and when u enter the mosque, they pull you towards where they've arranged iftar. The cleaning up bit is even better, 10 - 15 minutes between Azaan and namaz, and its cleaned up within 30 seconds.. :)MashAllah..

Anonymous said...

Mashallah i never knew it was that organized

Anonymous said...

Madinah is so organized that you can't find that organization anywhere in the world- mashaAllah. So, peaceful and tranquil, you can feel it once you enter the city. People, mashaAllah, so loving that they welcome you even if u r a stranger. Really, I would say - to those people who haven't gone to madina or just go to makkah- you are losing a big thing by not going there. Just go and see the people and how you feel in the city.

Anonymous said...

Looks so neat

dzurwaMuna said...

something that makes me very glad is remembering anything when i was staying at haramain although in a few minutes. yeah, all memories there are really unforgettable. i do hope Allah will give me more opportunity to see baitullah and nabawy as shareef. . . ameen. . .