18th October 2009 ~ 30th Shawwal 1430

Makkah Maghrib
(Surah Baqarah 255-257) Sheikh Sudais

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Ahson said...

Loved the ayat-ul-kursi...but shiekh sudais only recited 1 verse in the 2nd rakaat which made me think that is there any minimum number of verses required per rakaat?

Anonymous said...

you can recite a verse as big as a verse in the Quran (i dont know where, my teacher had showed me), which if 3x as big as the verse u want recite then u can recite.

do u get it?

Ahson said...

umm...its a bit unclear:) Bascially, u are trying to say that if the verse is quite big then you can recite even one verse only?