Sheikh Husayn Abdul-Aziz Ale Shaykh

Picture sent by sister Aheeda from South Africa.


Unknown said...

Is the Shaykh the son of the Grnad Muftee? As one would presume that on account of his name - Hussain ibn Abdul-Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh. Does anyone know?

Rayyan Bee said...

Yes he is the son of the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia.

Anonymous said...

SubhaanAllah, is this true?? Shaykh Husayn is the son of the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia?!

Hafsa said...

Salam 2 u all!
I've sent some tilawa, Have u got them? pls rply........

Anonymous said...

I don't think he is the son of the Grand Muftee. He is of the same family, but not Shaykh 'Abd al-Azeezs son.

Anonymous said...

No, He is the son of the grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia..

Sheikh Hussein bin Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin baz.