Everyone looks sad except Shaykh sudais.
subhanallah sheikh ghazzawi in the first picture, during ramadhan i look forward to the video of haramain sharfian abdullah in the palace with all the imams..
JazakAllahu Khair for posting this!
could you guys please post the video as soon as possible, we'll be waiting!! Thanks HRTeam!ps:the FULL video would be appreciated very much.
That last comment asking about the dua was written by me- sorry i forgot to write my name!
which ramadhan and at what time was it
please post the video barakAllahou fikoum
this ramadan 1430 they met the king at last ten days of ramadan..
Mashallah sh mahir looks very nice im looking 4ward 2 see the video insllah very soon :P
may allah REWARD all imams & all muslims janah alfirdous in these days inshallah ..AMEEEEEN..
اللهم إني أستغفرك لكل ذنب يدعو إلى غضبك أو يُدني إلى سخطك أو يميل إلى ما نهيتني عنه أو يبعدني عما دعوتني إليهربي اغفر لي ربي ارحمني
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Everyone looks sad except Shaykh sudais.
subhanallah sheikh ghazzawi in the first picture, during ramadhan i look forward to the video of haramain sharfian abdullah in the palace with all the imams..
JazakAllahu Khair for posting this!
could you guys please post the video as soon as possible, we'll be waiting!! Thanks HRTeam!
ps:the FULL video would be appreciated very much.
That last comment asking about the dua was written by me- sorry i forgot to write my name!
which ramadhan and at what time was it
please post the video barakAllahou fikoum
this ramadan 1430 they met the king at last ten days of ramadan..
Mashallah sh mahir looks very nice im looking 4ward 2 see the video insllah very soon :P
may allah REWARD all imams & all muslims janah alfirdous in these days inshallah ..AMEEEEEN..
اللهم إني أستغفرك لكل ذنب يدعو إلى غضبك أو يُدني إلى سخطك أو يميل إلى ما نهيتني عنه أو يبعدني عما دعوتني إليه
ربي اغفر لي
ربي ارحمني
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