thanks God He's BACK!!!! :-D
WOW my friend is BACK!
Alhamdulilah he's back!
Where do you think he was?
glad to see sheikh talib back..this was salat al isha by the way..he went back to his orignal tone today!
awsome !! just toooo good!!
Where was he anyway? im glad 2 see him again, we'll see you standing behind the imams during taraweeh again and prob tahajjud!
Alahamdulillah! He's back! :D
no idea where he was! i thnk he was not well!!
Awesomeglad to see sheikh talib back
may allah give him and all muslims good health AMEEN inshallah
اللهم إني أستغفرك لكل ذنب يدعو إلى غضبك أو يُدني إلى سخطك أو يميل إلى ما نهيتني عنه أو يبعدني عما دعوتني إليهربي اغفر لي ربي ارحمني
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thanks God He's BACK!!!! :-D
WOW my friend is BACK!
Alhamdulilah he's back!
Where do you think he was?
glad to see sheikh talib back..this was salat al isha by the way..he went back to his orignal tone today!
awsome !! just toooo good!!
Where was he anyway? im glad 2 see him again, we'll see you standing behind the imams during taraweeh again and prob tahajjud!
Alahamdulillah! He's back! :D
no idea where he was! i thnk he was not well!!
glad to see sheikh talib back
may allah give him and all muslims good health AMEEN inshallah
اللهم إني أستغفرك لكل ذنب يدعو إلى غضبك أو يُدني إلى سخطك أو يميل إلى ما نهيتني عنه أو يبعدني عما دعوتني إليه
ربي اغفر لي
ربي ارحمني
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