Taraweeh 1429 Ar Rad and Ibrahaim

by Sheikh Maahir and Sheikh Sudais

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MS said...

Amazing!! Maashaa Allah. I can't wait till this years Taraaweeh Inshaa Allah. JazakAllah for all the great work!

Anonymous said...

Reading and listening to the recitation really makes it easy to understand and it really hits u!

Thats the best thing about these videos of Taraweeh!

The translation is in a understandable english...

Although the true meaning is understanding the arabic itself...

Anonymous said...

it was recorded from iqraa
all night i watch taraweeh1429 in iqraa it is very awesome!!


ssheikh mahir,s recitations always heartly mashallah.

..zainab said...

mashallah verrrrry beautiful sourat alra'ad by our beloved sh mahir but i hope he completed the sourah at the end & recited sourat ibrahim i hope oneday he'll inshallah :p

Anonymous said...

اللهم مالك الملك تؤتي الملك من تشاء، بيدك الخير إنك على كل شيء قدير، رحمن الدنيا والآخرة ورحيمهما، تعطيهما من تشاء، وتمنع منهما من تشاء، ارحمني رحمة تغنيني بها عن رحمة من سواك