22nd July 2009 - 30 Rajab 1430

Makkah Maghrib
(Surat As-Saffat 114-132) Sheikh Ghazzawi

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umayr said...

the way sheikh farooq repeated allah hukbar was amazing, his old style!.. touched my heart

abu_harith said...

Surah 37 (114-132) - Al Saffat THOSE RANGED IN RANKS

114 Again (of old) We bestowed Our favour on Moses and Aaron,

115 And We delivered them and their people from (their) Great Calamity;

116 And We helped them, so they overcame (their troubles);

117 And We gave them the Book which helps to make things clear;

118 And We guided them to the Straight Way.

119 And We left (this blessing) for them among generations (to come) in later times:

120 "Peace and salutation to Moses and Aaron!"

121 Thus indeed do We reward those who do right.

122 For they were two of our believing Servants.

123 So also was Elias among those sent (by Us).

124 Behold, he said to his people, "Will ye not fear (God)?

125 "Will ye call upon Baal and forsake the Best of Creators,-

126 "God, your Lord and Cherisher and the Lord and Cherisher of your fathers of old?"

127 But they rejected him, and they will certainly be called up (for punishment),-

128 Except the sincere and devoted Servants of God (among them).

129 And We left (this blessing) for him among generations (to come) in later times:

130 "Peace and salutation to such as Elias!"

131 Thus indeed do We reward those who do right.

132 For he was one of our believing Servants.