14th July 2009 - 21st Rajab 1430

Makkah Isha
(Surat Al-Furqan 61-77) Sheikh Maahir


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umayr said...

i might be wrong, but isnt this the start of the surah? rather than verse 61?

umayr said...

i might be wrong, but isnt this the start of the surah? rather than verse 61?

Anonymous said...

No respected brother, it is the last 2 pages of the Surah. Verse 61-77 is correct.

Anonymous said...

your blog is good
i like it

Anonymous said...

your blog is good
i like it

z said...

ماشاء الله عليك يا شيخنا الغالي

Anonymous said...

Do anyone know how old is he ?? I read on other site he's 4or 41 yrs is it right guys ?

z...?! said...

Oh, my mate this is don't concern YOU :! Sheikh Mahir is sheikh Mahir even he's 30 or 40 he still our beloved :p May allah bless in his life & his age AmeeeeeN :P

Anonymous said...

i just ask question 'nd i want to know ?

fatima said...

sheikh mahir is 35 years

fatima... said...

رمضان مبارك وكل عام انتم بخير نسأل اللة ان يبارك لنا و يرزقنا عمل الصالح و ان يغفر لنا في هذا الشهر المبارك

..zainab said...

أجمعين آمــــــــين يارب العـــالمين وغفر لوالدينا ويطول بأعمارهم إنشاء اللــه تعالى جزاج اللـه خيــــــــر

Anonymous said...


..zainab said...

wow it was really awesommmmmme, nice , superb, toching , emotional& beatiful recitation i was there & i felt soooooooo saaaaaad we he was gone :p

Anonymous said...

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد أن لا إله الا أنت أستغفرك وأتوب إليك
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
ربي أغفرلي