jazahakkhair for the pics
jazaakAllah khayr!Anyone know whats in the frame?
Sheikh Shuraim looks gr8 as always nd he has a really beautyful voice,nd his quran recitation is awsome he has very unique style.
sheikh shuraim looks awesome! is tht an award 4 him in the frame or something?
is that shuraims brother in the pic??? looks like him...replyx
The tall guy in the first pic you mean? I don't think any of these people look like his brother.
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jazahakkhair for the pics
jazaakAllah khayr!
Anyone know whats in the frame?
Sheikh Shuraim looks gr8 as always nd he has a really beautyful voice,nd his quran recitation is awsome he has very unique style.
sheikh shuraim looks awesome! is tht an award 4 him in the frame or something?
is that shuraims brother in the pic??? looks like him...
The tall guy in the first pic you mean? I don't think any of these people look like his brother.
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