MAshahAllah their row is so straight even though there are no lines on the carpet, lol people in masjids sometimes cant even make straight rows on carpets that have rows or lines drawn on them.
The people probably behind sheikh shuraim are the governor of makkah and other governmnet officlas or royal family members, dont look like scholars though.
well i have ceen him, after the compltion of the salah he was passing by me but he was soo surrounded by the guards tht u couldnt even shake hands wth them!!
look at all those important sheikhs behind sheikh shuraim..and they pray on a special carpet which comes out during salat al istasqa and eid!
Can someone name the sheikhs at the back... i.e. name and what they do?
SubhanAllah, how was this picture even taken?
I love Saud Asy-Syuraim. I hope can see him someday face to face and hug him. Amiin.
yes Sheikh Shuraim is just so amazing!! and his recitations are wonderful! Mashallah
Probably a security guard took the picture :p
MAshahAllah their row is so straight even though there are no lines on the carpet, lol people in masjids sometimes cant even make straight rows on carpets that have rows or lines drawn on them.
The people probably behind sheikh shuraim are the governor of makkah and other governmnet officlas or royal family members, dont look like scholars though.
May Allah reward shekh shuraim
well i have ceen him, after the compltion of the salah he was passing by me but he was soo surrounded by the guards tht u couldnt even shake hands wth them!!
wow, i love sheikh shuraim. his voice is so unbeatable. yeah and those look like government officials.
Shaikh Shuraim is Awesome
I just love his Voice
Those people look as if they are from the royal family.
mashallah......shuarim looks kwl..mashallah
Sorry for being ignorant. Can someone please explain what is Istasqa salaat.
Istasqa salaah is the prayer made for rain, as was done in the time of Sayidina Rasulullah (Salallahu alayhi Wasallam) during times of drought.
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